When you're cold (request)

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A/N: So, a request chapter :D thank you so much to to everyone who is reading this, it means a lot to me!

A/N: So, a request chapter :D thank you so much to to everyone who is reading this, it means a lot to me!

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Anyway, on to the request. Also I have added my own bit at the end to make it longer, I hope you like it! Enjoy!


It was so cold!

You were camping on the slopes of some freezing mountains. And completely failing to sleep. It didn't help that you had lent your blanket to Pippin, who had lost his.

Just then Legolas came over with more firewood. Well, a little more. It was hard find wood on these mountains.

"Where's your blanket?" he asked, almost accidentally putting out the fire by smothering it with wood.

A few pokes later it started to burn more brightly again.

"I lent it to Pippin," you mumble tierdly.

"Well, if you want to, you can share mine," offered Legolas.

"There's no point Legolas, she's going to say no," Boromir called from the other side of the fire.

He had offered a few minutes ago, and though you were freezing, you had declined.

"How would you know," Legolas returned, midly annoyed.

"She doesn't like any of us enough to sleep next to one of us," countered Boromir.

"No, she just doesn't like you," Legolas said.

You could see Gandalf and Aragon trying not to laugh.

" 'She' has name," you say, sitting up, "and her own opinion, "

"Sorry," Legolas said, turning round.

"It's Ok, and actually, I was about to say yes please before Boromir butted in,"  you smile.

Legolas fetched his blanket from his rucksack, and sat down next to you rapping it around both of you.

It was quite cosy, and you enjoyed being able to share body heat. After a while you started to fall asleep, you felt your head lean on Legolas' shoulder, but he made no move to remove it.

He even put his arm around, pulling you closer.

"Are you asleep?" he asked softly, a few moments later.

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