When he think's you're dead, and when you kiss (request)

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A/n : This chapter starts just after Frodo has decided to go to Modor himself, and the orcs have come to capture the Hobbits. Also they have killed Boromir, though you don't know that.
Also the request:

It all happened so fast

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It all happened so fast.

You were surrounded by orcs.

There was nothing you could do.

You screamed as one of them wrapped a big dirty rope around you, and took you sword.

"(Y/n)!" You heared Legolas shout.

"Can we eat this one?" one of the orcs asked.

The leader scratched his head.

"She is short, we should take her to Isenguard, just in case," he growled.

Usually you would have protested at being called short, but right now you didn't care. Even though you wondered how long it would take for them to realise that you were so much taller than the hobbits that you couldn't be one of them.

One of them lifted you up, and you were able to see Legolas a little way off.

"(Y/n)!!! No!!" He shouted as you felt something heavy hit your head. Everything went black.


When you woke up, you were still tied up, sitting on the floor.

Looking around you couldn't see the Hobbits anywhere. Also the orcs who were guarding you were looking the other way.

That was one advantage of being a you, people always underestimated you.

You lent back on the ground.

Though the orcs had taken your sword, they had not touched your bow. They thought that it would not help you escape.

With your wrists bound, you grab the cord of you're bow, and sliding along the ground. Though this was not that comfortable, it made an arrow appear. Grabbing it, you twisted it round, and started using the end of it to cut the ropes holding binding your hands together.

After about five minutes, you're finally free.

Quietly, you get into a kneeling position, and creep towards the orc, who was sitting by your sword.

You gently slide it towards you.

Just as quietly you run away into the night.

You knew that you would not be able to find the hobbits in the dark, so you pledged to find them the next morning.

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