When you fight orcs

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A/nSorry for the long wait.

"(Y/n), what are you doing? " Legolas remarked crossly.

You were in the middle of strapping an extra sword to your belt, which you thought was kind of obvious.

"You're not getting ready to battle, are you? " he said.

You looked up at him.

"Why shouldn't I?" You replied.

"You can't go into battle you know," he stated.

You're eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean I can't go into battle!?" you exclaim angrily.

"(Y/n), please, you must understand. You must not go into battle, " He glared back at you.

"This is because I'm a girl, isn't it? You think that I won't be able to fight because I'm 'weaker' . Really, you, of all people! " you start to rant.

"(Y/n), it's not that, " he said earnestly, " It's just- "

"You know, what? I don't even want to know, "


"I'm going to defend these people, they cannot do it themselves, you know it," you continue.

Legolas suddenly pulled you into a fierce hug.

"I can't lose you," he whispered in your ear.

Your anger leaves you as you realise that he is simply scared for your wellbeing. You gently return the hug.

"You won't" you whisper back, "I'm more worried about you,"

He snorted with laughter.

"I have survived many a larger battle than this, " he boasted.

You raise one eyebrow.

"Well, maybe not larger but certainly more dangerous," he corrected.

"So have I," you reply.

He sighed in defeat.

"So we're even?" you ask.

He slowly nods.

You quickly lean and up and kiss him.

"I won't die," you mumble.

As you sepeate you here a shout.

Turning, you and Legolas ran out of the room, and through the city, towards the front gate.

Lowe and behold, Aragon came riding in!

"He's alive!" you breath.

Legolas was smiling, you could tell that he was very happy that his best friend was alive.

And just seeing Legolas smile so warlmy made you're face light up as well.


You glared at the rain, willing it to clear.

You were waiting for the orcs to arrive at Helm's Deep.

It was nerve racking. You hated waiting to fight.

Beside you Legolas was teasing Gimli about his height.

Slowly you tuned into their conversation to try and calm your nerves:

"I bet I can kill more orcs than you, elf," Gimli taunted.

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