When he worries about you (request)

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A/n: Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! 1K reads!!!!!

Thank you for the request by NicolasGirlfriend

This takes place AFTER return of the king.

It felt so good to fly on your pheonix's, (Torch) back.

You were travelling to Mirkwood, to celebrate the mid-winter feast.

Legolas was sitting behind you, his arms rapped tightly around your waist.

You could tell from the tight way he clutched you, that he did not enjoy flying quite as much as you.

Because of this, you had calmed Torch down a bit, so that he did not try any of his usual acrobatics with both of you on his back.

Unfortunately Gimli was not so lucky. He was riding another phoenix, that seemed to be quite intent on showing off as much as possible.

"Ghaaa!" He yelled as his phoenix nose-dived, "How do you control this thing?"

You snickered, knowing that phoenixes were kind animals, and would not let him fall.

A little while later you arrived in Mirkwood.

Both Legolas and Gimli looked quite relieved when you finally landed.

Whilst Legolas went to announce your arrival to his father, you took the phoenixes to the stable.

When you got into the stable, you gasped.

There were so many stools, mostly with amazing horses inside.

"Can I help you?" asked a voice from behind you.

"Yes, please," you said, turning round, "I'm looking for a place that my phoexes can rest,"

"Please follow me," the elf started to walk towards a large, empty, stool.

It took a little while, but you eventually you managed to encourage Torch and his friend into the box.

The elf who had been helping turned around.

"How can I help you, your majesty?" he said to someone behind you.

"I'd like to borrow three horses for myself and my friends,"

You immediately recognised Legolas' voice. You stood up so that he could see you.

"(Y/n)," he said, " come choose a horse,"

You climbed out of the stool, ignoring Torch's protest, and walked over to him.

"Are you sure?" you asked, "I'm not as good with horses as I am with Phoenixes,"

Legolas smiled at you.

"That's setting the bar very high, and besides, you rode a horse with the fellowship for ages without any problems,"

"That was different" you explain, " I barely did anything, the horse just followed the one in front the whole time,"

"It's not that hard, and all of these horse are lovely," Legolas prompted.

You sigh in defeat.

Walking over to a random stall, you look in to see a tall, proud, black horse.

Legolas x readerWhere stories live. Discover now