When you get bullied (request) + I have been tagged

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So... I have sort of been tagged by LoveLeggy. They tagged everyone who read that chapter of their story (so I don't know if it counts) but I'll add it at the end of this chapter anyway.

This was requested by gombaiyer

Requests are closed from now on though. Sorry.

Also, I'm sorry about how long it's taken to write.

You laughed. Gimli had just told you another joke.

The two of you were wondering around the palace gardens, since neither of you really fitted in.

"How about this one," Gimli said, " two elves were having dinner when a messenger arrived at their door. 'Two Gondorian men have arrived at the borders' he told them. The first elf turned to the second elf and asked, 'How much is two Gobdorian?' "

"Shh" you tell him, "you wouldn't want to get thrown into prison because you told an offensive joke,"

"That's just Dwarfish humor for you," Gimli grumbled.

A few moments later Gimli decided to go back to the palace to see if Legolas had finished talking with his father yet.

You could have gone with him, but you decided not to.

It might involve seeing Thranduil, and you did not trust him.

It was odd, but Thranduil always gave you the shivers. Maybe it was the way he looked at you. Or the way he generally avoided looking at Legolas.

You didn't understand it. Though Legolas had not explicitly told you, you knew that his relationship with his farther was strained.


"Who are you?" asked a tall, female elf. She had brown hair, down to her waist, and mean looking eyes. Behind her stood two friends.

"My name is (y/n), who are you?" you reply.

"Lionan. These are my friends, Heyly and Wiona," she seemed to glare at you.

"We're looking for prince Legolas, I don't suppose that you've seen him?" Wiona asks.

"I think he's in a meeting with his father right now, Gimli just went to look for him, but he hasn't come back yet," you say. You slowly started to back away. You did not trust these elves.

"Who's Gimli?" asked Lionan.

"One of my friends, him and myself came with Legolas for the winter festival, although I was unconscious at the time... " you mumble.

"You know the prince?" Heyly gushed.

You nodded, "yeah we're pretty close,"

Immediately you knew that you had said the wrong thing.

Lionan narrowed her eyes like a snake.

"You think he likes you don't you," she hissed.

You gulp. This girl looked more scary than an orc. And you daren't use your weapons against her, since you would get into big trouble.

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