When you save him

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A/n: I am sorry about how long this story has taken to update.

Warning, this chapter is quite dark and angsty. And a bit sad. 😢

"Good morning Miss (y/n), " a servant said, coming in and opening the curtains.

The sunlight was bright and glittery, seeming to dance if the walls and into your eyes.

"Good morning," you replied back sluggishly, shielding your face with your hand.

Slowly you sat up, sad to leave the warm clutches of your bed.

"Are you going to the council meeting this moring, miss?" the maid asked.

You nodded, and then rubbed your eyes to get rid of the remaining sleepiness. You sat there for a few moments, basking in the morning sunlight, that already did not seem so bad.

"I know it's not my place to say this ma'm, but won't you be late if you sleep any longer? The meeting starts in just under ten minutes," the maid stood there worriedly.

"What!?" you lept out of bed, "Eer, right, yes, thank you for telling me,"

The maid inclined her head, and left.

You quickly grabbed some clothes and got dressed, messily tying back your hair. You, Legolas and Gimli planned to leave tomorow, and you did not want king Thranduil's latest memory of you to be you being late.

You rushed out of the door, and to the meeting.

When you got there, the hall was empty. In your rush, you had managed to arrive first.

You take your seat, the one next to Legolas' . This meetings were supposed to be confidential, but Legolas had exlained to his father that you were trustworthy. However, he had not convinced his father of Gimli's reliability. After all, he was a dwarf.

After leaving here, you were planning on dropping Gimli off in his home, before going back to your home. Gimi would meet you there a few months later, after spending time with his family. He did not think it wise to invite yourself an Legolas into dwarf caves, less you should be thrown in the dungeon for not being dwarfs.

You heared footsteps, and elves started pouring into the hall. A few moments later, Legolas sat down next to you. He seemed like he was about to say something, but Thranduil stood back up from his chair, and the entire hall fell silence.

"Welcome," he started, "I have called this meeting because it seems like we have an orc problem," Thranduil walked around the end of the table, pointing at the map.

"They seem to be coming from here,"

An elf named Harunir stood up to speak, "How do we know this information is correct, my lord?"

Thranduil stared at him, " Should I remind you that only two elves came back from the team of eleven that went to scout out the area? That we lost nine lives to get this information?"

There was a moment of silence, in respect for the dead. Harunir sat down.

"We need to send another scout team to find out exactly what's going on," he continued.

A different elf, who was tall and fair, stood up, "Wouldn't that risk the lives of more elves?" he asked.

"It is for the good of the kingdom, Ainon, " Thranduil replied, "They may attack us at any time, and if they were to overwhelm us, we may lose Mirkwood, along with countless other lives,"

Ainon sat down.

"We will need the best warriors for this mission, " Thranduil continued, "Legolas, I wish for you to lead the mission,"

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