New Legolas x reader book!

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Hello guys!

Sorry this isn't an update chapter, but I have good news! I am completely re-writing this book, under the title 'Legolas x reader 2nd edition' !

I'd like to think that my writing has come a long way from when I first wrote this book, and I am really excited to see what I can do now.

Here are the changes I will be making:

-correcting most of my spelling mistakes

-Giving (y/n) a whole new backstory

-Adding whole new chapters (yay)

-Trying to sort out the structural issues

- Just generally improving the whole thing, by adding a bit more description and listening to some of the advice that I have gotten from the comments on this book.

You guys are all amazing readers, so thankyou again for making this book what it is with your fabulous comments.

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