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A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the last Chapter, I thank you for all the lovely comments. Also this chapter was a request by Hiyori1403 and fourramsey. I combined the two into one chapter, I hope you guys don't mind.

"Look! It's just over there!" you pointed out your home to Legolas, as Torch flew down towards it.

You felt Legolas clutch you tightly as Torch did a near a hundred and eighty degrees drop towards the land.

He pulled up at the last moment, and landed gracefully in front of your house.

It was a nice house, small but well built and made of wood.

"Thank goodness we're back on the ground," you heard Legolas mutter as you dismounted.

Laughing, you showed him inside.

Everything was just as you had left it.

There was still a burnt out candle on the table, where you had been reading the night before you left, and still a dirty pile of washing up by the sink, that you hoped Legolas would not notice.

You both walked through the kitchen into your small living room, with had a sofa and fireplace, as well as bookshelves and cupboards on the walls.

You opened a wooden shutter, revealing a window, that flooded the room with light.

"Upstairs is my bedroom, where you can sleep and put your stuff," you told Legolas, " and the bathroom is round the back of the house,"

Legolas walked over to the stairs, when you suddenly dashed over and grabbed his wrist.

"Ow!" he yelled, involuntarily.

"Sorry," you had forgotten that his wrists were still sore from the being captured by orcs, "can you please not go up there quite yet?"

"Of course, but, why not?" asked Legolas.

You felt your cheeks warm slightly. You had left your room in such a mess. You didn't want him to see it.

"I just need to go up there first," you say quickly, dashing up the stairs.

Once you were in your room, you quickly picked up the clothes that were lying on the floor, and put them in you cupboard, and picked up a few books, and shoved them back on the shelves. You quickly stashed some weapons under your bed, and picked up the scattered bits of parchment and threw them in a drawer.

Then you grabbed the sheets from the bed, as well as the pillow case, and threw them in a heap on the floor, before getting some fresh ones out of a desk. Then you took the laundry, and carried it back downstairs.

"You can go up now, if you want," you said.

Legolas, nodded, and smiled, and kissed you on his way passed.

You quickly took the laundry to the bathroom, and dumped it in the laundry basket.

"Small disaster averted," you mumbled to yourself.

Finally, going back inside, you put your rucksack in a corner of the room.

Legolas was upstairs, so you went to join him. He was sitting on your bed, reading one of your books.

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