When you think that he's dead

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A/n: I know that I said that I would not update for a while... But I just got this request that was pure gold, by KittensandConfetti . Thank you so much!

A few weeks later, Gimli joined both of you at your cottage.

You were planning to stay there for a bit, but you received a distress call from Aragon. Apparently a large group of orcs, left over from when Sauroman fell, had decided to attack Gondor.

You were slightly nervous about going into battle, especially since Legolas was still healing from the whole 'being captured by orcs' ordeal, but you understood that Gondor needed men. Well, people. Technically, neither you, Legolas or Gimli were men.

That was why you were now on Torch's back, with Legolas clinging on behind you, and being followed by Flame (another giant eagle) who was carrying Gimli.


This was going to be an easy battle, you thought, as you sat on top of Torch, awaiting the orcs.

Legolas was in the front lines with Aragon, but you weren't too worried. These orcs had no purpose except survival, and would not be using any tactics, having no true leader. They would be disorganised and chaotic, and above all easy to beat.

Even Legolas was not quite completely healed, he could definitely hold his own against some gormless orcs.

And Gimli would be fine; he was somewhere in between you and Legolas. He had his giant axe, and had got some new dwarven armour whilst he was with his family, that was near-impossible to break.

In the distance you saw a masses of orcs starting to arise. They slowly came closer, pushing and shoving each other, each trying to be the first to get there and eat some humans.

"Forward!" Aragon yelled, raising sword into the air, and flicking the ranes of his horse. Just as he was about to kill the first orc, an arrow flew into it's heart.

Legolas had killed the first orc.

You tried not to laugh at the look Aragon gave Legolas, before they all proceeded into battle.

"Let's go," you whispered to Torch, patting him. He took off into the air, and flew over the battle. You took aim, and killed an orc that was sneaking up on someone.

You started firing arrows quickly, into the big mass of orcs, killing them instantly.

Though the orcs outnumbered the men, it was not by much, and besides, 'numbers do not win a battle'.

You killed a few more ocrs, before they started to prep their catapult.

After that you had to land, since you could not risk Torch's life, and he would fly away if he got scared anyway.

"Go on," you patted him, "come and find me later when the battle is over,"

Torch squawked, rearing up, before turning around and taking off.

You quickly switched your bow for swords, and rushed into battle.

You stuck your sword straight into the gut of an orc in front of you, and ducked as one tried to pumell your head from the side.

You would have tried to kick it, but you knew that kicking an orc was futile. You would probably break your leg.

Instead, you swiped your sword low, taking out the orc's legs, before giving a deadly blow to the head. After that you back flipped out of the way of yet another orc, and twiseled around to kill the one behind you, before sticking your sword behind you to kill the other one.

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