Chapter six: Ballet Studio

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Evangelina Swan's P.O.V.

I was in the room with Bella while Alice and Liam went to check us out of the hotel when I heard the door open.

I look and see Bella leaving. I follow her then got in a taxi behind then asked the driver to follow Bella.

We got to a ballet studio.

I followed her inside then run behind her and cover her mouth as she went to scream.

I push her into a closet and lock it then slide the key under the door.

"Evangelina!!" She calls out.

"Keep that key until Edward or one of the Cullens get here! I called my friends Stefan and Damon Salvatore. I trust them with my life, so can you!" I say.

"Okay!" she calls out.

I heard laughter then turn to see James.

"I mean, I wanted Bella but you're blood smells so much better than hers." James says then grabs my shoulder, smelling my neck.

I whimper, memories of Jaxon and that night popping up in my head.

"I'm gonna have fun torturing you." he says then shoves me into the wall, my head hitting it hard.

I press my hand to my head then show myself the blood. Oh god.

I was lifted up and thrown into a wall of mirrors and I yelp, in pain, then just lay there. Pain overwhelming my body.

Then, a peace of glass was thrusted into my side and I scream, in pain. My wrist is grabbed and I see that he was staring at the blood.

He then lifts me up so that my feet were dangling. He was choking me to the point where I was gasping for air.

Then, he was tackled off of me and I fall to the ground then hold my side.

I weakly look and see that it was Edward that tackled James off of me. He rushes over to me.

His eyes widened as he sees me yank the piece of glass out of me then try to apply pressure on my wound.

"Come on, lets get you out of here." Edward says, trying to pick me up but I stopped him.

"B-Bella. Closet." I managed to gasp out.

His eyes widened then he was grabbed and pinned against the mirrors.

"You're alone. Cuz you're faster than the others." James growls then he slams Edward into the mirrors again.

"But not stronger." He growls.

"I'm much strong enough to kill you." Edward growls then kicks him into the mirrors.

During all that, I managed to crawl to the closet.

"B-Bella, it's me." I say.

I grab the key from the bottom and unlock it.

"Lina!" she says, crying, then sees my beat up body.

Edward comes to us. We turn to see James. I turn Edward to face me.

"Get my sister out of here. If you love her, you'll get her out of here without thinking twice. Go! Now!" I yell.

I saw James up and glaring at us.

I run to James and jump on his back and my bloody hand to is mouth to distract him long enough to let Bella and Edward escape.

I see them escape then I was thrown off.

"You really shouldn't have done that." James says.

He then grabs me and bites my collarbone. I scream at the agonizing, burning, pain. I was then dropped.

"Lina!" Familiar voices yell.

They were soon at my side and I saw Stefan and Damon kneeling over me.

"My-my neck." I whimper.

"Oh god, Lina." Damon says.

I point to my side. He sees it and get worried.

"I don't know what my blood would do to you if I gave it to you with their venom in your system." Damon says.

"G-Get me C-Carlisle." I say then scream again and sob.

"Carlisle! She wants Carlisle!" Damon yells.

Soon, a cold hand was on my arm and I look to see Carlisle.

"Evangelina, stay with me, sweetheart." Carlisle says.

"Lina!" Bella sobs.

I looked to my right and saw Emmett and Liam burning James' body. I saw Jasper standing next to Edward and Bella. Alice was helping Emmett and Liam.

"We need to suck the venom out without killing her." Carlisle says.

"I need the venom out so I can give her my blood to heal this big ass wound on her side!!" Damon says.

"Jasper. Edward." Carlisle says.

"Her blood smells too good. We won't be able to stop." Edward says.

"I guess I'll have do it then." Carlisle says.

"Evangelina, I'm gonna take the pain away, okay?" he asks.

I nod and then he went to my neck. Soon, I felt Carlisle's fangs in my collarbone then pain slowly going away. Soon, it felt good but then a sharp pain shot through my side.

"I got this." Damon says.

He bites his wrist then brings it to my mouth. I grab his wrist and drink his blood, feeling the wound heal. But now, I was exaughsted. I soon fell asleep.

In my sleep, I was taken to a dream/memory.


I was in Carlisle's home office, sitting on the medical bed he had in there.

"So, tell me, Evangelina. What did you need to be seen for?" He asks.

"When I was 13, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Ive been fighting it since and doctors told me I only have 3, 4 if I'm lucky, years left. But I've been going and getting my treatments." I say.

"You're so young. It pains me when folks your age come in for such cruel illnesses such as cancer." He says.

"It's life. It happens." I say.

He smiles.

"You're one brave girl. Smiling as you fight the thing that's killing you." He says.

"Hey... if a girls gotta go. Might as well go out with a fight." I say.

"Great attitude. Now, lets check you out and then we'll see what other treatment you need." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

"It's my pleasure." He says.

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