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Quote ^: Life is like riding a bicycle. Except the bike is on fire and everything is on fire, and you're in hell.

Play music if you want.

Disclaimer: I, Ruby Red, own no pictures or videos I post with the chapter. All credits go to their rightful owner. If one of the pictures are yours, please notify me and I'll remove them.

"Y/n! Y/n!"

You groggily opened your eyes to a familiar voice calling out to you. Your eyes slowly opened, your vision was blurry, but you saw tuffs of red hair.

"Gaara...?" You muttered.

"You're awake!" He exclaimed, relieved.

"Wait!" You exclaimed while sharply sitting up.

"Where're the others?! Are you all okay?! What's happening?!" You frantically asked, grabbing ahold of his shoulders.

"Everyone's doing all right for now, but you have to rest and recover. I'm only a clone, so it's alright." He replied, calmling you down. You breathed out a sigh of relief.

"For fuck's sake that's a relief..." You breathed.

"Come on. I don't want to waste anymore time." You said while standing up, but almost falling to the ground had Gaara not caught you.

"You still need to recover." He pressed. You groaned.

"That's not fair though!" You pouted. He let out a breathy chuckle.

"Just wait a little more." He persuaded. You sighed.

"Fine." You gave in.

"Thank you." He said.

"Yeah yeah." You replied while waving him off.

"I'm... glad you're okay.." He said, causing you to look at him.

"Yeah. I'm glad you're all doing aight as well." You said while playfully pushing him. He slightly smiled, admiring your wild form. Your hair was knotted and frizzled, your clothes were torn and burnt, and you had scars and small cuts all over your body. However, you weren't any less beautiful to him.

"Huh? What's this? Why do I feel other Bijuu chakra?" You asked.

"It's a long story." Gaara replied.

"Well that's alright. You can explain while we're going." You said as you slowly stood up.

"I see. Y'all must've had a shit time, huh?" You said. Gaara nodded.

"Yeah." He replied.

"I don't get it, what are they doing?" Azula asked from below you two.

"Project Tsuki no Me. He plans to reflect his eye on the moon to cast a Genjutsu. It's dangerous, but hopefully we'll stop him." You replied. As you, Gaara, and Azula flew over the battlefield, you saw the other tailed beasts. Gaara's clone melted away back into sand.

"OIIII!!!!! SHUKAKU!! MATATABI!! ISOBU!!! SON GOKU!!' KOKUO!!!! SAIKEN!!!! CHOMEI!!! GYUKI!!!!! KURAMA!!!!" You screamed, causing all nine plus Madara and white Zetsu to look at you.


"It's about damn time, brat!" Shukaku shouted.

"Shut up, you piece of shit!! She was busy!!" Azula screeched. She landed on the ground and folded her wings into her side. Cerberus then appeared, resulting in all of the tailed beasts gathered together.

"It's been a while hasn't it? Since we've last been like this." Cerberus said.

"Now's not the time! You can reminisce later, idiot!!" You exclaimed.

"You sure got a noisy one, eh you two?" Matatabi asked.

Don't forget that I'm here too, guys T~T

You all saw Madara cut off Zetsu's arm and implant the Rinnegan eye into his socket.

"I don't think that's how it works..." You muttered. After that, he spread his blood on his finger before slamming it on the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" He called out. There was a poof and the Gēdo Statue appeared.

"Ohhhh~ the memories." You shivered.

'He's planning on absorbing the beasts into that weird blind-folded kinky ass sex machine.' You thought.

Hime... you know I can hear you... right...?'

'Oh... sorry...'

Madara jumped up onto the statue. Suddenly all the Bijuu got knocked over, including Azula and Cerberus.

"That ought to tame you a little." Madara said. He placed his hands in the snake seal and the statue's mouth opened. Twelve chains burst out and wrapped themselves around all twelve of their necks.

"Gah!" You gasped.

"I'll extract the Juuichibi and Juunibi from their Jinchuuriki first." Madara said as the two of them started to be pulled towards the statue. Your face then changed into one of the scariest and terrifying scowls anyone has ever seen. It even caused fear to rack through Madara and the Bijuu.

"Don't think you'll be able to do that, you son of a fuck!!!!" You screamed while doing handsigns.

"Demon Style: Chains of The Underworld." You said darkly. Black chains from your lower back appeared and wrapped themselves around the purple ghostly chains and pulled in the opposite direction, snapping them in half.

"Huh?" Madara muttered. The chains retracted and levitated around you. You grabbed one of the chains near you and it changed into a scythe.

"Cool..." Naruto muttered. You held out the scythe in front of you and transferred your lightning to it. You spun the scythe between your fingers before slashing it, sending a wave of lightning towards the statue. Madara jumped away as a large explosion of lightning.

"W-what is that?!"

"Is it Y/n's?"

Madara appeared behind you and tried to stab you with his Black Receiver Rod, but the chains wrapped around his wrist and traveled up his arm and around his body. You turned around so that your faces were inches away from each other.

"Little advice. Don't try shit when it comes to me." You seethed as you whipped him to the other side of where you all were.

"Cerberus, Azula, go back. I can't afford to lose you two to him." You ordered.

"Yes." They both said as they disappeared back into your mind space. You jumped up onto Chomei's head as the chains reeled back into you.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, but you ignored him.

"Huh? Why am I feeling element spikes all of a sudden?" You muttered, looking back behind you.

"Y/n." Naruto called.

"What?" You asked, staring at him.

"The old man is having trouble over there. You should go help him, we have things covered here." He said.

"Are you sure?" You asked. He nodded.

"Yeah!!" He replied. You looked at him then at Gaara before summoning your wings and flying into the air.

"Fine, but you better not die!" You called out to him before turning around and flying away. As you arrived at the other battle field you saw a wooden thingie with White Zetsu on its head, but he didn't look like Zetsu. The wooden thingie opened its many mouths and planed to fire each element at them. Lord Third created clones to counter each element, but you had a different plan in mind. As the thingie released each element you appeared in front of him and countered each element.

"Y/n?!" He gasped. You turned your head and gave him a bright smile.


Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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