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Ruby: Good evening, morning, or night, whichever it is, because timezones. I am Ruby, the book's creator, writer, and all around the only one who wrote, edited, and posted this. Welcome to Filler Talk part 2! Now, the reason I am doing this is because I completely shitted on myself (not literally) and have not made anymore chapters ahead. Anyways, let's interview the rest of the girls and then on with the guys! Because I casted a lot! Please welcome, Miss Sakura Haruno!

*applause* *Sakura walks out*

Ruby: It's nice to see you Sakura. How've you been doing since your last filming session?

Sakura: It's been amazing! The cast is getting along like always. Altough Y/n has stated before that you planned something for her in secret. I was wondering what that was.

Ruby: *giggles* sorry, but you as well as everyone else will have to wait until future chapters. Now, first question. What is it you like about being casted as Sakura?

Sakura: My character is strong. She never lets anyone walk over her like a dirty mat.

Ruby: I see, I see. However, you're getting quite the hate for being 'ugly' or 'useless'. How do you feel about that?


Ruby: Sakura?


*various smashing sounds* *audience screaming in horror* *Sakura screaming in the background*

Ruby: U-um, while we calm down Sakura, let's welcome our next guest, since it seems like Sakura is out of order. Please come out miss Tenten!

*applause* *Tenten walks out*

Tenten: Hi!

Ruby: Hello Tenten.

Tenten: Hey!

Ruby: First question. Now, unfortunately for you, you do not get a lot of screen time. How do you feel about that?

Tenten: Hmmm. Well, I have to stay it's a little disheartening, but I'm grateful for the opportunity I've been given.

Ruby: I apologize for that. However, for there to be main characters, there has to be supporting characters. You're on the fence between both of them.

Tenten: Yeah...

Ruby: But don't feel discouraged! I have decided, for all of my female readers out there who swing differently, to include female endings as well!

Tenten: R-really?!

Ruby: *nods* of course! And also for the male readers who read this book as well. However, I'm not including Temari. Only if you want me to, of course, but I already have everything and everyone figured out.

Tenten: But why? I thought you were just going to end with the boys.

Ruby: Weeeeeell yeah, I was, but then I was like, 'well. I have a lot of female readers, but what if they swing the other way?' So hopefully I can create a better and more enjoyable book for all readers, even if you're not a specific gender or sexuality. And even though I use female pronoun words, I was originally planning on having Y/n be either male or female, which is why I always say 'you' while narrating.

Tenten: Why did you change it?

Ruby: My original concept was going to be a child from the Akuma clan, blah blah. However, I figured that in all the books I write from here on out, I'll include female character endings. Even if I made Y/n genderfluid, the lines, acting, and movement would still, in my case, be more feminine than masculine or in between.

Tenten: I see. You're really generous!

Ruby: Nah. I still hate people, but not for reasons such as that. I'm young, but I'm aware. Lolol.

Tenten: ... I'm still confused as to why you're still single though. To be specific, I can't see you with a guy or girl.

Ruby: ... okay, onto our next guest.

Tenten: E-eh--?!

Ruby: NEXT!!!!!

*Tenten bolts out.*

Ruby: *sigh* our next guest is a little more conceited, but that doesn't change the fact she's a great friend and person. Please welcome, Ino Yamanaka!

*applause* *Ino walks out*

Ruby: Hello Ino. How have you been?

Ino: I've been good. It's a pain that I'm not in any of the next chapters for a while.

Ruby: Sorry, I just wanted the story to revolve around team seven for the time being. Now, first question, are you and Shikamaru canon?

Ino: *blushes* E-eh?! Of c-course we're not! Where on earth did you hear that?!

Ruby: *shrugs* I have my sources. Now, next question. How is it shooting with Y/n?

Ino: She's really loud, obnoxious, and eats everything! (My life lolol) but there are times where she's really reliable and trust worthy.

Ruby: Indeed. Especially on set. She makes sure everyone is ready and prepared.

Ino: She'll even share her food if she figures out you haven't eaten anything.

Ruby: What do you benefit from this story.

Ino: I don't really know, but I have figured out that showing off to people will only make them want to get better.

Ruby: ... you're talking about Sakura, right?

Ino: ... yes...

Ruby: *sigh* well thank you for coming Ino, but unfortunately, we don't have anymore time.

Ino: That's okay! Thank you for having me.

Ruby: No problem. Now, for our next guest, she is the older sister of Kankuro and Gaara. And she's a badass female. Please welcome, Miss Temari!!

*applause* *Temari walks out*

Ruby: It's nice to see you, Temari. How're you doing?

Temari: *sigh* I'm exhausted. Dealing with Y/n all day isn't the easiest.

Ruby: I thought Y/n was pretty good?

Temari: She is, but only when recording. There have been plenty of times Y/n has knocked someone unconscious. She has a temper.

Ruby: ... that's pretty obvious...

Temari: I'm just shivering at the thought of having to have an ending with her. It's not a bad idea, but I have no clue on how she'll be in a relationship.

Ruby: Pfft. She'll probably still be the same.

Temari: Yeah. She certainly is a character, but can get quite annoying when she wants to be.

Ruby: Now, what do you think of the alternate endings with both the guys and girls?

Temari: I think it's a smart idea, but I don't know how it'll go. I'm not even an official ending yet.

Ruby: Calm down. If any of you want Miss Temari as an ending choice, please comment. Temari needs love too lolol.

Temari: Shut up...

Ruby: I hope you enjoyed Filler Talk part 2. Next chapter will be up either tomorrow or the next day. And prepare for some overpowered shit!! Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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