Gaara ending {2}

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Accidentally deleted the pics of what your kids look like. Whoops. I'll upload the photo probably tomorrow or whenever I feel like it.


"Oh god what now?" You groaned from
Gaara's side, hearing your 13 year old daughter. Hana, the 13 year old, slammed opened the door to Gaara's office.

"Mom! Ai keeps bothering me!" She groaned. Gaara chuckled from your side.

"I have paperwork to do." He quickly said, burying himself in papers.

"Screw you too." You muttered, walking around the desk.

"What's wrong?" You asked, leaning against the desk and crossing your arms.

"I keep trying to train, but Ai keeps distracting me!" Hana exclaimed. You raised a brow.

"And? What's so bad?" You asked, not really seeing a problem.

"Whenever I throw a Kunai or shuriken she intercepts and keeps messing me up!" She complained.

"So? Why don't you ask her to train with you, then." You asked, tilting your head.

"But I train with the academy kids!" Hana protested.

"And?" You pressed, getting a little irritated.

"It's embarrassing!!" She replied. You stared at her, unamused and a little angry.

"Just try it once, then make a decision."

In the Kazekage office, you were finishing up Gaara's paperwork while he went to go pick up Hana. He hasn't really seen the two girls outside of the office except at home, so you thought it'd be a good idea to bond. While you were in the middle of organizing papers, you heard faint sniffing and looked up to see Ai standing there, softly sniffing. You immediately stood up and went over to the 11 year old.

"Oh, sweetie what happened?" You asked softly, bending down to her level.

"O-onee-chan was being mean to me..." She said quietly, rubbing her eyes.

"What'd she do?" You asked, brushing some hair from her eyes.

"She was training with some other kids and I-I asked to train with her too, but she called me a-annoying and pushed me to the ground." She then burst into sobs. You pulled her into a hug and brushed down her hair with your hand.

"Shhhh, it's all right. I'll deal with Hana, okay?"

One day later:

"HANAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Your voice shook the classroom. The students and sensei gasped as the room shook with such force the windows cracked. The door was suddenly slammed open, revealing you, your hair floating and dividing.

"M-mom?!" Hana exclaimed in shock, standing up. You marched into the classroom, your eyes blazing black and red.

"L-Lady Y/n..." The sensei muttered, but you paid no mind to him. You slammed your hands on Hana's desk, causing some of the kids to shriek.

"Why did Ai come into the office with bruises on her shoulders? And to top it off she was crying. She said you called her annoying. What. The fuck. Did you do?" You hissed, your voice getting lower and demonic with every word. Hana's fear rose, tears prickling the corners of her eyes.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to call her that!! I just didn't want the other kids to make fun of me!! P-please forgive me!!!!" Hana screamed, covering her face with her arms. You backed away from Hana and turned to face the rest of the class.

"If I hear you making fun of any of my children I swear I will rip out your intestines and hang you with them!! UNDERSTAND?!"


"I heard you crashed Hana's lesson and threatened the students there." Gaara said behind you. You were currently looking out of the office windows.

"Well yeah. I have to strike fear into the hearts of everyone." You replied as if it was the simplest thing in the world. He chuckled and came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You relaxed back onto him.

"I'm glad that Hana and Ai are getting along now, though." You said and he hummed. The door opened and you two turned to see Hana, a little bit dirty.

"What's up?" You called out.

"Ai and I just got done training. She's actually pretty tough." Hana replied, wiping some sweat off her brow. You nodded your head.

"You two were training, huh?" You asked again. Hana nodded.

"Yeah, I figured I shouldn't anger you anymore. It could cost me my life." Hana said whi chuckling. You nodded your head.

"Where's Ai?"



"I'll be right back."

You smiled and looked back out the window with Gaara still latched onto you.

"As long as she looks scared I've done my job." You said. Gaara chuckled and kissed your cheek.

The End~

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