Chapter 6

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*the next morning*
i woke up around 11 so I could have time to get ready. I did my usual routine & when I finished I slowly crept downstairs to see if any of the guys were here. The living room was empty...the backyard was empty...I looked out the window & there cars were here...maybe they're still sleeping. I decided to get out as fast I can before they wake up. I ran up to my room & grabbed my penny board , bag & phone. I texted Carter telling him I'll wait for him at the park. I ran downstairs & sprinted to the door. I ran outside & skated to the park. I sat on the swings for a while waiting for Carter. I just kept swinging thinking about how free I feel when all of a sudden a pair of hands covered my eyes. I screamed & started crying thinking that it was the guys.
"Shhh calm down it's just me , Carter." He said coming out from behind me & hugging me.
" sorry." i said
"no im sorry i didn't mean to scare you like that." he said
"it's alright....i thought it was...uhm haha nvm let's just get this day going i don't wanna waste time by sitting here & crying." I said
"uhm alright. if anything is wrong tell me. you can trust me." he said smiling
I smiled back & hugged him then we went to his car.
"So where we goin?" I asked
"hmm i was thinkin maybe the movies then the mall then dinner" He said
"sweet sounds like a plan!" I said
The car ride was interesting. We learned a little bit more about each other it was all decent until my favorite song came on.
"This is my song oh my god hold up" I said preparing myself
He chuckled
"OMG what do she have on?! She ratcheeet! her lace front is all wrong cause she ratchet!" I sang
"Gon' beef it up mooove tramp it's the 15 I got my food stamp got a brand new piercing brand new tat paid $95 for this weave plus tax bow!" I sang
I looked at Carter & he was laughing
"hey what's so funny. you probably do this too when your favorite song comes on" I said
"Haha I do but you're so cute when you do it" He said
I blushed & looked down at my lap
"awwh is chwistine blushing?" he asked
I giggled & slapped his arm
"you really are cute tho." He said looking at me
"why thank you you're not so bad yourself mr.carter." I said smiling
"It's such a coincidence how you said 'Mr.Carter'" he said
"really? how?" I asked
"I'm kind of 'Vine Famous' & people know me as Mr.Carter" he said
I kinda sat there shocked
"whaaat...? oh my god. wait. whaaat... Holy shit." I said
"yup haha" He said
"wow im with a good looking famous person..." I mumbled
"awwh you think im good looking. well y'know!" he said posing
"haha well it's true. & now that i think about it you do seem kind of familiar...i think I've seen you in a few vines.." I said
"aye there you go!" he said smiling
we just kept talking about him being on vine & stuff until we finally arrived at the movie theater.
"What movie do ya wanna see?" He asked
"Catching fire?" I asked
"Yes! I was kinda hoping you would say that..." He said
We got our tickets & snacks & headed to the movie.
"hey I'll be right back I need to go to the bathroom." I said
I quickly went to the bathroom & as I walked back into the movie room I saw all the guys talking to Carter. fuck. I made my way over to a row of chairs not too far but not too close to them.
"Bro so what you doin here alone?" Jc asked
"I'm here with a girl but she went to the bathroom really quick" he said
"ooooh Mr.Carter be gettin some! what's her name?" Sam asked
"Christine." He said
the guys got quiet
"Oh cool. haha well we'll see ya later bud bye!" they said their goodbyes & left the theater.
I casually walked back to Carter.
"Hey" I said smiling
"Hey cutie." He said
Just then the movie started. Perfect timing.

When the movie finished Carter & I sat there speechless.
"Well that movie was something.." I said
"It was. That was great though!" He said
"It was oh my god I can't wait for the next part" I said
He nodded in agreement then we went to his car & headed to the mall.
When we got to the mall we did a little shopping & we ended up playing at Dave & Buster's. (An arcade/restaurant) We were such kids we were literally running around the arcade laughing & waving around our tickets & stuffed animals. I haven't had fun in forever. I've never been this happy in forever...
We finished eating we decided to hangout at the beach. when we arrived at the beach the sun was just setting. Perfect timing once again.
"wow..this is beautiful." I said
"I know...just like you." He said looking at me
I blushed & looking down at my lap.
"awwh don't hide your face. you look so cute when you blush." he said
which of course made me blush even more.
"Thank you Carter." I said
"For what?" He said
"For this amazing day. I really needed it. I haven't been happy in a long time..." I said
"awwwh babe you're welcome." he said hugging me.
we just sat there watching the sunset.
"hey cutie?"
"is something wrong?"
"no everything's perfect right now..."
"no im talking about...your life. when you said you haven't been happy in a long time..what did you mean by that?" he asked
"Uhm...can I trust you with it..?" I asked
"of course." he said
" first of all im Sam Pottorff's sister..." i said
"whaaat?! I saw them earlier at the movie theater!" He said
"oh really? I think I saw them too...haha. uhm anyways when I was 15 I was forced to move in with my brother & the rest of his friends..friends as in the rest of our2ndlife. & you would think that it's been awesome living with them but hah you're wrong." I said
Carter looked at me confused
"Ever since I moved in with them they would bully me / abuse me. 3 years. Been happening for 3 years. I would have daily beatings...if I was late for a daily beating they would make the beating longer & worse. If I didn't answer them or disobey them they would make the beating worse. It's been getting worse over time. It actually just got really worse yesterday..." I said tearing up
"are you serious? oh my god...what did they do yesterday?" He asked
"They uhm they tied me up to something & started whipping me." I said
"Christine..oh my god. why didn't you call the police?" He asked worriedly
"Sam's my brother. I don't want him in jail.." I said
"still that's abuse. he shouldn't be doing that. along with his friends." he said
"I have bruises...everywhere. oh yeah did I tell you? Every beating is one cut. so if they beat me 3 times in one day it's 3 cuts on one arm." I said showing him my arm & also lifting up my shirt to show him the bruises on my stomach & back.
"Chris...this is really bad. They can't do this anymore. You shouldn't be living like this." he said
"im getting used to it...they'll stop soon.." I mumbled
"No Chris. You're not dealing with this anymore. please stop." He said
"Carter it's fine. I'm sorry i got you into this." I said
"Chris I wanna help you." He said
"I wish you could. " I said
"I have a few friends...we can defend you. We can help you." He said
"No Carter it's fine. just stop I'm fine." I said
"Christine...I'm helping you. You're staying with me tonight. I'll call my friends & tell them to come over tonight." He said
I stayed quiet..
"okay...fine." i said
he hugged me & brought me home with him.
we were in his room just talking until a couple guys walked into the room. i backed up into the corner & hugged my legs. The guys looked at me weirdly
"guys this is Christine & She needs our help.." Carter said
"is this your girly friend?" one of the guys said teasing him
Carter blushed & rubbed the back of his neck. That made me giggle.
Carter gestured for me to come up next to him. Which I did. He put his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"Hello! I'm Nash Grier" one of the guys said hugging me
"I'm Matthew Espinosa!" Another guy said
"hey you look like Justin Bieber" I said
"haha i know i get that a lot" He said
"heey I'm Cameron Dallas" the last guy said
"it's nice to meet you guys I'm Christine Pottorff" I smiled
"Pottorff?! are you related to Sam Pottorff?!" Nash asked
"unfortunately yes...I'm his sister..." I said
"woah" the 3 guys said in unison
"that's actually why I called you guys I said earlier she needs our help." Carter said
"I don't need your help , you offered...." I said
"We're helping you that's final." he said
I rolled my eyes
"So why did ya need our help?" Matthew asked
"Would you like to explain or shall I?" Carter asked
"I'll do it since it is my problem.." I said
they nodded & we all sat on the floor getting situated. i told them the exact same story i told Carter. when I finished I was of course crying & when I looked at the guys they were sitting there shocked.
"shocking huh? you would think they're all cool & sweet haha you're wrong. looks can be deceiving." I said
just then we heard yelling in the house
"Carter!! are you home?! It's me Jc! I'm with the guys!"
"fuck are you serious?!" I cried
"shhh Christine calm down. hide in the closet." Carter said
I ran to the closet & hid myself.
"I'm up here!!" Carter yelled
"Ayeee man!" jc said
"What's up man?" Carter asked
"We were wondering if you've seen someone..?" sam asked
"Who?" Nash asked
"My sister , Christine?" Sam asked
"Oh. No? I didn't even know you had a sister what the fuck!" Matthew said
"Who were you on a date with then?" Kian asked
"Christine. But it's a different Christine I didn't even know you had a sister either." Carter said
"oh okay. sorry bro for barging into your house." jc said
"It's alright haha" Carter said
"Well we'll go now see ya later bro. Bye guys!" Sam said
After a while it got quiet so I'm pretty sure they left but I didn't get out of the closet yet. I was too scared. Just then the closet door opened. I screamed.
"Shh it's okay they're gone. It's gonna be okay." Carter said carrying me to the bed
I was crying I didn't even notice
"This is just sad. I'm crying cause I thought they were still here. I'm crying cause every single move would make me think that the guys are around me. I'm crying cause I'm scared of my own blood brother...this is stupid..." I said
"'s okay we're gonna help you. we'll defend. no matter what happens we got your back. we won't let them touch you again. I promise." Nash said
"don't make a promise that you can't keep." I said.
they stayed quiet.
"uhm can i use your bathroom?" I asked
"yeah of course." Carter said
I went to the bathroom & looked at myself in the mirror. I looked around for a blade..I found scissors. good enough for me. I grabbed the pair of scissors & sliced my wrist twice. I started crying. I can't do this. I can't make them do this. I shouldn't have told them about it. I sat on the floor crying & thinking about everything that has been going on. this is too much.
"Christine! Are you okay?!" Carter asked
I sat there crying.
"Christine let me in!" He yelled
"No" I said
"Guys! Help!" Carter yelled
All of a sudden they burst through the door looking at me in shock. Carter picked me up & placed me on his bed.
"Guys can one of you get a first aid kit , a towel & a bowl full of water please?" Carter asked
Nash ran out & got the supplies.
"Chris...please stop. we'll help you through this. stop hurting yourself please." Carter said
"I can't. I won't." I said
Nash came back with the supplies & Carter started cleanings my wrist up
"No! Stop! Stop helping me! I never should've told you!!" I yelled
"You need help!! Someone needs to protect you!! I'm gonna protect you!" Carter yelled back
I kept crying. Eventually I got tired of crying & went to sleep.

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