Chapter 50

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*Christine's pov*

Once we finished eating we headed to our second destination. I have no idea where we're headed but I guess imma find out soon.

We drove for about 45 mins & soon we stopped at this parking lot I guess with some tents up & a Ferris wheel. Omfg. We're at a fucking fair. YAS BITCH YAS.

"Oh my god kian..." I said
"You happy?" He asked
"Hell yeah holy shit thank you!" I said hugging him
"You're welcome little Chrissy" he said hugging back.

We walked into the fair & started right away. We went on a few mini rides , we may be too big for these but hey we're trying to have fun haha. After a few rides we played some games. There was this was one knockout game & the prize was a big life size teddy bear with a cute red bow on it's neck.
Kian knocked the stack of bottles out & won the teddy bear. Hey look I got a cuddle buddy now , ayeee.

Of course we got stopped by a few girls so they could get pictures with kian I didn't mind I took the pictures for them. I felt like a photographer freal. Haha after a few more games we decided to go get frozen yogurt.

We went back to the car & drove off to a frozen yogurt place. We decided to go home after this so Kian texted Ricky & connor what they would want. They told us their orders & told us to get some for Jc & Sam cause they just got back.

We went to Yogurtland & got ours then the guys orders. I got a mix of strawberry , lychee & mango then added fruits , mochi & white chocolate chips as toppings. Yuuum😋 Kian & I ate ours on the way home so we would have less to carry.

Kian & I didn't talk the whole ride cause we were too focused on our frozen yogurt haha. Soon we got home & I had to carry in the big ass bear & my board while kian carried in the frozen yogurt cups.

When we got in we yelled out "we got your yogurt bitches!!!" Then Ricky , Connor , Jc & Sam came running towards soon stopping in their tracks cause they were looking at the bear I was holding.
I just laughed & headed to the living room. I placed my penny board on the floor then plopped down into the couch cuddling the bear.

"AHHHH!!!! What the fuck?!!!" I yelled
I looked over to see Nash , Matt & Carter.
"Motherfuckers you scared me." I said punching them
"That was the point." Nash said
I rolled my eyes & laid back down cuddling with the bear again.
"Awwwh don't I get a hug?" Nash asked
I shook my head

"What about me?" Sam & jc asked
I nodded & stood up & hugged them.
"Awwh c'mon now what about us?!" Matt , Nash & Carter asked.
I shook my head.
I grabbed my teddy bear & went upstairs.
They were following me. I heard their footsteps. I tried my best to hold in my laugh.

I walked into my room & set the bear onto my bed. I grabbed some sweats & a loose plain black v-neck. I took off my beanie , shoes & shirt that was wrapped around my waist. I took off my muscle tee & skirt & changed into the sweats & v-neck then tied my hair up in a messy bun.

I turned around & saw Nash , Carter & Matt sitting on the bed with open mouths & wide eyes.
"What?" I asked
"Y-you j-just changed in front of us." Carter stuttered
"So? Ya'll seen me in a bikini what's the difference?" I asked
"We have images goin on." He said biting his lip
"Nasty ass. Why are you in my room anyways?" I asked
"We didn't get a welcome back hug." Matt said
"& you're not gonna get one." I said
"Why not?" Nash asked
"You guys scared me half to death." I said glaring at them
"We're sorry. C'mon give us a hug already" he said

I rolled my eyes & gave them each a hug to get them to shut up.
"Now get out im tired & i wanna cuddle with my new friend" I said plopping onto the bed hugging the bear.

I heard them chuckle then close the door. A few mins later I felt the bed sink down. The fuck? I turned around & saw Carter shirtless in my bed.
"well hello mr.carter. What are you doing in my bed?" I asked
"I wanna cuddle." He said pulling me towards him.
I sighed & turned around so my back was facing him but his arm was still around my waist.

I was still hugging the bear & my face was buried in it's neck. Carter did the same but soon started kissing my neck. Where was he getting with this? Does he freal still love me? Oh my god.

"Carteeer" I said
"Mmmm" he mumbled in my neck
"Carter. Stop. Please." I said
He left a few more kisses then stopped.
"Im sorry." He said
I stayed quiet.

I still love Cameron. I miss him...i know Carter still loves me that's why he's doing this...

"Chris? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I got carried away." He said
I turned & faced him.
"It's fine. I understand." I said kissing his cheek

I felt bad for somehow rejecting him...but he should know I still have feelings for Cameron.

Carter just looked at me.
"It's fine. I'm serious. C'mon let's go downstairs & join the guys." I said
He nodded & got out of bed. I grabbed the bear & we made our way downstairs.

As soon as we got to the living room I saw someone i was not in the mood to see at the moment...fucking shit...😤

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