Chapter 8

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A/N: I seriously dislike last chapter, I dunno why I just feel like it wasn't very good. Also I'm sorry that chapter was a filler, I was having a lot of trouble writing it. However this chapter is not a filler.

So yay.


Today was actually a lot better than I expected it to be. I made it through the whole day without getting my ass shoved in a locker, which to me equals victory.

Emma didn't bother me, or even look at me in speech. I got to spend pretty much the entire hour chatting with Nate, turns out he's a member of the halos too. He's a really cool person, I can see myself becoming friends with him. Well with all of them really, the halos are the best people I've met in this school so far.

I haven't had any classes with Derek so far, and last hour is about to start. If I can just make it though this hour without seeing him, I'm home free.

I take a deep, mentally cross my fingers, and enter my last class of the day. I glance at the people sitting in the room, looking over them one by one, making sure he isn't here.



Not him.




There he is, the last seat in the last row. He's chatting with some dude with dark brown hair, they seem to laughing and having a good time. That dude must be one of his asshole friends.

I hurriedly walk over to an empty desk on the other side of the room, luckily I don't think he saw me. I slump down in my desk and try to be invisible. Maybe if he doesn't see me, he won't be a problem.

As the bell rings the teacher walks up to the front of the room. He puts his hands up to silence the chatter, and clears his throat.

"You will all be happy to know, we will not be doing any math for the next month." He announces. Instantly the room erupts into cheers and applause and cries of "best teacher ever!" The teacher smiles as the room quiets back down and he continues.

"I thought the reaction would be something like that. Now, here's what we will be doing instead." He says, a few people groan as he holds up a stack of papers. He rolls his eyes and waves them away.

"Now calm your lazy asses down, it's not that hard. Now in honor of this being national friend ship month, your assignment is to simply make a friend."

"Done." Someone calls form the other side of the room.

I glance over and see the dude Derek was sitting with, and slung his arm lazily around Derek, who is smirking at him.

"Nice try Jesse, but it's not going to be quiet that easy." The teacher chuckles.

"You will be given a partner, that I will pick, and that person will be your best friend for the next month. Your assignment is to simply get to know them. Hang out with them, find out their likes, dislikes, you know all that good stuff. You better take this seriously though, because I have a surprise planned for the end of the month." The teacher explains, handing out the papers.

I glance at the page, and see the questions are all random facts about yourself.

1. Name.

2. Favorite movie.

3. Any pets?

"You will spend today filling out these papers, it shouldn't be to hard unless you just woke up from a coma and have no idea who you are." He glances around the room raising an eyebrow.

"Nobody? Good, anyway this will be my way of grading your partner in case your wondering. I will tell you your partners as the end of class." He says walking back to his desk.

"Begin." He says lazily waving his hand at us.

I smile inwardly, this class might actually be kinda fun..


"Do I have everyone's papers now? Great." The teacher says as he drops the papers on his desk.

"Now, I will be handing each of you a slip of paper, the name of your partner will be written on the inside. You have the last five minutes of class to talk with them."

He walks to people's desks, seemingly at random and hands them slips of folded paper. I bite my lip slightly as he hands one to me.

Don't be Derek...

I undo the first fold.

Don't be Derek....

I undo the second fold.

For the love of all that's holy don't be Derek....

I glance at the name on my paper.



*Derek pov*

"Who the hell is Noah?" I ask Jesse, who shrugs.

"Never heard of him, maybe he's new." I groan.

"Great. So I have to babysit the new kid now."

"Dude relax, you just gotta get through a month with a dude, then you never have to talk to him again." Jesse points out, I sigh, I guess that's true.

"I'm gonna go introduce myself." I mumble pushing myself up.

I glance around the room, there's only one person I here I've never seen before so that must be him. I walk over to him.

"You Noah?" He nods.

"Well, might as well get this crap started. Tell me somethings about yourself." He shakes his head and gestures towards me.

"You want me to go first?" He nods.

"Uh okay. Im 17, my favorite color is red and I have a sister named Emma." I say, he nods but says nothing.

"Now you go." I prompt. He shrugs.

Is this guy trying to piss me off?

"Trust me, I don't like this anymore than you do. But we just have to do this for a month then we never have to talk again." I point out, he shrugs.

Te bell rings and he jumps up from his seat, rushing out the door. I sigh, running my hand through my hair.

This is going to be a fucking long month...

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