Chapter 20

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A/N: Why did the can crusher quit his job???

It was soda pressing.


............I should let myself out.

Seriously though, welcome to another chapter of This Love! Enjoy!

I wanted to get to a certain point with this chapter but, as you guys will see this chapter is really long already so I just decided to split it up. Sorry for the delay, I was trying to find a way to wrap up the chapter and it just ended up getting longer and longer so I just kind of ended it.

I am taking a short break from this story for a while. Not right away, but after the next two or three chapters prolly.

Hope you're having a lovely day!

*Derek pov*

We drive to my house feels longer than normal for some reason. The whole ride there I could feel butterflies fluttering around in my stomach. I glance over at Noah, and see him absentmindedly staring out the window. Looking at his cute face makes the feeling in my stomach intensify.

Why the hell am I so nervous?

I've had people over at my house plenty of times, and I was never even a little bit nervous about it.

"So, remind me again what this whole project thing is?" Emma asks curiously from the back seat. I had briefly explained it to her, but I didn't go into detail. I open my mouth to speak, but Noah cuts me off befor I can.

"We have to become friends basically. Hang out, learn about each others likes and dislikes, hobbies and interests, all that good stuff." He explains, Emma scoffs.

"That doesn't sound like homework." She points out.

"Oh, you'd be surprised." Noah mumbles under his breath, although I don't think Emma heard him.

Damn... he does not like me for some reason.

I mentally frown. How can he hate me this much when he doesn't even know me? I mean sure I shoved his ass in a locker when we first met, but I do that to pretty much everyone so he should get over that.

"We're here." I mutter as I pull into the driveway.

I try to hide the smirk on my face as Noah stares, completely in awe at our massive manor. Emma walks up to the house without hesitation while Noah hangs back, seeming almost intimidated .

"Damn" He mumbles under his breath.

I frown slightly, I mean I know this house is huge and all but everyone in this part of town has a giant house so he should be at least somewhat used to it if he goes to school here.

"Well, uh lets go then." I say motioning towards the house. Noah nods and follows me up and into the house.

I walk up behind Emma, who's rummaging around in her bag, probably looking for her house key. She groans irritatedly , slinging her bag back over her shoulder.

"Key lost again?" I ask, she sighs.

"I swear the damn thing just runs away." I chuckle mildly, and push my own key into the lock opening the door. Emma enters first, and screams almost as soon as she steps inside. I quickly follow her inside to see what's going on.

Inside, I find myself staring at two people I wasn't expecting to see for at least another few weeks. My parents.

"Daddy!" Emma screams with delight, running into the smiling mans arms.

"Wonderful to see you sweetheart!" Dad says, squeezing her affectionately.

"I wasn't expecting you back for weeks!" Emma points out happily.

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