Chapter 4

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A/N: I apologize for taking so damn long to update this story. I have such a hard time putting together chapters for this story. I can't promise the next chapter will be up any faster.

*Noah pov*

I sigh deeply, feeling a stuff soreness spread though my body. I've been in this locker for what feels like hours and because it's so small I can't move from this position. I still can believe that guy shoved me into a locker... Oh well. I guess all I can do now is wait for whoever this locker belongs to to come and set me free. I lean my head against the locker door, trying to get comfortable, and wait.

Finally, I swear I had need in there so long my arms would permanently fixed into their current positions, the door suddenly flys open. I yelp, unable to move my arms, and all foreword, face planting on the marble floor.

"Ow..." I grumble pushing my self up.

"Woah, what are you doing in my locker?" I glance up to see a a blonde females with hazel eyes raising her eyebrows at me.

"I was shoved in it." I explain dusting my self off. She smiles apologetically.

"So you've met Derek then?" She asks, I nod.

"What's that guys problem?" I ask, she shrugs.

"Nobody knows. I would just avoid him if I were you."

"That's probably a good idea." I agree, she holds out her hand.

"I'm Morgan." I shake her hand and smile.

"Noah, I just moved here." She chuckles.

"Well I'm sorry you had such a shitty first day." I shrug.

"It's alright."

"Morgan you coming?" I glance up at the familiar male voice. It's Nick, the guy who showed me to my first class. He smiles at me.

"Hey, Noah right?" I nod returning his friendly smile.


"Oh! You're the kid Nick helped out today." Morgan says, Nick chuckles.

"Yeah, how did you too meet?"

"Derek shoved the poor boy in my locker." Morgan explains before I can. Nick sigh, and looks frustrated.

"I told you man, you gotta watch out for him." I frown.

"Yeah I'm starting to see that."

"How long were you in there anyway?" Morgan asks cocking her head to the locker.

"Uh, I don't know since the end if third hour." I say unsure if the exact amount of time. Both their eyes widen slightly.


"Dude... School ended twenty minutes ago." Nick points out.

"Woah really? It felt like I was in there a whole but holy crap." I exclaim, Morgan puts a hand on you shoulder.

"You poor thing, why didn't you beep one of us?" I blink.


"Oh yeah! I forgot to give him one. Sorry about that dude." Nick says apologetically.

"Give me one what?" I ask.

"One of these." Morgan says holding up her hand, showing a watch looking thing on her wrist. However instead of a clock, there's a small red button on it.

"We call it the SOS system. Basically if you're ever in a bad spot, like you were today, you press the red button and one of us will come to your aid." Nick explains.

"One of you two?" I ask.

"Oh there's a whole group of us, they call us the halos. We're pretty much the defense against bullies and everyday school problems. There's lots of us."

"Oh okay. That actually sounds very helpful."

"Come on, lets get you a bracelet." Morgan says and we start walking down the hall towards the office.

Nick pushes the door open and we all enter. I glance around finding the room empty.

"Over here Noah." Morgan calls me over to the deans office.

"We're not going to get in trouble for going in there are we?" I ask cautiously, Morgan frowns.

"We wouldn't get you in trouble, don't you trust us?" I shrug off my doubt and follow them inside. To my relief the dean isn't inside.

Nick pulls a large box out of the closet and and sets it on the desk. He opens it up take a bracelet out of it, he hands it to me and smiles.

"Okay lets get your bracelet turned on." They usher me out of the deans office and over to a computer. Morgan sits at it and begins typing.

"What's the code on the back of your bracelet?" Asks, I twist it in my hand, and find a short jumble of mumbles in small white script printed on its surface.

"Uh, 655321." I tell Morgan who types it in. She smiles.

"Alright we should be good. Now if Derek or anyone else gives you trouble just press the button and a halo will come help out." I smile.

"Thanks." We sit in silence for a minute before Nick speaks

"So, what did you do to piss him off today?" I shrug.

"I don't even know, This girl started talking to me and then he just came up and shoved me into a locker." I say frowning at the memory.

"Did the girl have bright teal hair?" Morgan asks, I nod.

"Yeah why?" Her and Nick both roll their eyes.

"That was Emma, Derek's sister. Derek will kick your ass if you so much as look at her." Morgan explains, I frown.

"But she talked to me." I point out. They both shrug and give my sympathetic looks. I sigh exasperatedly, is there nothing about Derek that isn't annoying?

"Do you have any classes with Derek?"

"Not that I know of, oh by the way do you think you could print me off another schedule? Emma kinda stole mine." I say, Morgan nods and types into the computer. A few seconds later a new schedule pops out of the printer. She smiles and hands it to me.

"There you go."


"Hey dude it's getting late, you probably wanna get home. Huh?" Nick says looking at his phone. My eyes widen.

"What time is it?"

"Around 4."

"Shit! I'm late! Dammit I gotta go." I grumble rushing out the door, ignoring them calling after me.

I sprint down the street, praying I won't get lost. After a few minutes I finally reach my destination, and I double over clutching my sides. My lungs are burning and my legs are sore. God. Am I really that out of shape?

"Noah?" A small boys voice calls out to me, I lift my head and smile.

"Hey buddy." He runs over and clings to me.

"Did you run all the way here for me?" She asks, I grin.

"I sure did Squirt. How was school?"

"It was great, I don't have any homework and I got a good star for behavior." He says proudly.

"Thats great! C'mon lets go home." I take his hand in mine and we make our down the a street towards our tattered little apartment.

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