Chapter 19

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A/N: Hey.. did you guys know that the Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters.

I never knew that until a few minutes ago. It's pretty cool, but odd at the same time.

Anyway, sorry for the delay on this chapter. I am finally just about done with school so I am going to try to start updating a lot more!

I also have a lot of shit planned for "Random thoughts" so hopefully you guys are into that thingy.

I'm sorry this chapter wasn't, every eventful, I'll try to make the next one better! I think my computer fucked up the spacing again, so if it looks oddly spaced I'm sorry! Also the dialog started sucking at the end of the chapter...OH WELL

In other news, I recently made a British friend. So I can officially call my life complete!!!

Thanks so much for all the reads, 265.. that is so crazy to me honestly!!


Every good authors note should end with a kitty face.


*Noah pov*

I take my time after school, walking to my locker and putting some the books I won't be needing away. It's a nice feeling, not having to worry and rush around the school. I walk slowly back to Mr. Reynolds room, trying to give anyone else who needed to talk to him enough time. Eventually I come to his room, and glance inside to see if anyone is talking to him. I don't see anyone, so I nock gently on the wall poking my head in awkwardly. He glances up and smiles upon seeing me.

"Noah, just the man I wanted to see!" He exclaims brightly. I pause, blinking in confusion.

"I am?" I ask blankly, he nods seriously.

"Would you recommend the new Godzilla movie?" He asks seriously?

Godzilla movie? I mean it looks alright from the trailer, but I obviously haven't seen it. I honestly can't even remember the last time I was in a movie theater. That would've been before Ben was alive. Why is he asking for my recommendation on a movie? Oh shit I need to say something....

"Uh yes I would." I say without thinking. Mr. Reynolds taps his chin, seeming deep in thought.

"I might go see it then.." He says thoughtfully. I frown inwardly, hoping I didn't just recommend a shitty movie.

I hear papers being shuffled about and I notice the Mr. Reynolds is packing up his brief case. He snaps the two metal clasps, securing it closed, and stands up from his desk. Still looking down, he begins to prepare the last few things to go on the outside pocket.

It's now or never...

"Mr. Reynolds.." I begin, feeling a little nervous. I wait, but when he doesn't say anything I continue.

"I was wondering if.."

"No." He says without looking up. I blink.

"huh?" I ask stupidly, he glanced up at me and smiles.

"You want to change patterns. The answer is no. Sorry." I feel my hear sink more and more with each word he says.

"Why?" I ask, trying not to sound whiny and childish.

"Noah, did you know that before I was a teacher, I was a counselor?" He asks, I frown.

"No." I admit, so he continues.

"Part of my job was helping students make friends. To do this, I had to review the students personality profile, and see who they matched up with ." He explains, I nod.

"Okay, so what does that have to do with me?"

"I put you and Derek together, because I've never seen twp profiles that matched up so perfectly before in all my years of doing this." He says, my frown deepens.

"I thought you said partners were picked at random." He chuckles nervously.

"Well.. it might be slightly less random then what I said on the first day." He admits, moving from his desk to exit the room.

He gets to the door, and turns around.

"You should start on that by the way, you only have a few weeks left." He reminds, then leaves the room.

I sigh, and exit the room myself. He has to be making that up, there's no way that I could have a similar personality profile to Derek.. he's an asshole. I mean he shoved me in a locker for fucks sake! My thoughts are cut off when I run into someone else coming up the hallway , who was apparently also not paying attention. I stumble back, blinking rapidly.

"The fuck?" I hear the dude grumble.

"Sorry." I mumble, my eyes focusing on the body in front of me.

Speak of the devil....

Derek looks annoyed for a moment, but he soon recovers himself.

"Oh uh that's alright, I wasn't looking." He says with a shrug, I nod.

"I wasn't either." Things fall into an awkward silence for a few seconds, then he starts talking again.

"So...uh do you wanna come chill at my house?" He smiles awkwardly, I frown slightly.

Do I want to? Not really... But since Mr. Reynolds said no...we really really do need to work on the project... and tonight would be the best night to do it because Ben has his field trip. ...


*Derek pov*

I slam my locker shut, along with all my books. I decided to actually be productive in study hall, so I don't have any homework. I make my way back down the hallway, when I slam into someone.

"The fuck?" I swear under my breath, glancing up at the dude and seeing it's Noah.

"Sorry." he mumbles.

"Oh uh that's alright, I wasn't looking" I say with a shrug, Noah nods.

"I wasn't either." We stand there in awkward silence for a minute or two. I guess now would as good a time as any to ask him.

"So.. uh do you wanna come chill at my house?" I say trying to make my smile seem genuine and not awkward, I fail.

Noah frowns, and looks at the ground. He seems to be weighing the options.

Seriously? Is he seriously thinking of saying no?

We need to work on the damn project already! I am not about to fail because of this-

My thoughts stop dead in their tracks when Noah bites his lip just the tiniest little bit.

Holy shit... that was cute.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever properly looked at his face. I mean I've seen it obviously,but I've never actually looked..He's one of the cutest guys I think I've ever seen. Maybe I could get him back to my place for another reason besides just homework.....

I mentally smirk at my own perverseness.

"Uh.. Derek?" I blink.

"Huh?" I respond stupidly, feeling like a deer in headlights.

Please tell me I wasn't thinking out loud a minute ago..

"You kinda spaced out of a minute there I think.. I said yes by the way." No explains, I mentally sigh in relief. Wait, he said yes?

"Oh, okay... uh lets go then." I say motioning for him to follow me.

I usher him out to my car, and we begin the ride to my house. Hopefully this will go smoothly...

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