Chapter 6

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A/N: I don't know how to play the piano.

*Noah pov*

I push my key into the rusty lock, and the door clicks open. Almost instantly the smell of alcohol fills my nostrils and I wrinkle my nose. The tv can be heard faintly from the other room. I frown seeing the empty beer bottles laying on the counter, dad promised he was going to work on not drinking anymore...

"Dad, we're home." I call. He doesn't answer.. He must be drunk again or something.

"Hey, Ben." I say to my brother as he sets his tiny spiderman backpack down by the door.

"Yeah?" He asks. 

"Why don't you go play in your room? I'm going to clean up and make dinner." I tell him.

"Okay!" He chimes and runs off happily. 

I sigh once he's out if sight and walk over to cabinet. I open it up and produce a garbage bag. I open it up and begin to dump the bottles into the bag, along with any other random bits of trash I find. When I'm done I tie up the bag and place it by the door so I can take it out on my way to school tomorrow. 

I turn back to the kitchen and search for something that looks close to edible that I could make for dinner. I find long noodles, tomato sauce, and a little bit frozen garlic bread. I shrug, spaghetti it is.


I set a small plate of food on the table and call Ben out for dinner. He comes out of his room and smiles.

"What did you make?" He asks.

"It's spaghetti buddy. Try it, it's good I promise." He takes a bite and smiles.

"Like it?" He nods taking another bite. I smile at the adorable 7 year old. 

"I'm gonna go see if dad wants any." I say stepping out of the room. Ben mumbles okay, a noodle hanging out of his full mouth. 

I walk over to my dads room, and gently nock on the door. 

"Hey dad. I made some dinner if you're hungry." I call.

He doesn't answer, so I push the door open. Instantly the strong smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke hits me and my stomach churns. I ignore it and walk in, finding the tv on some random station, and my dad slumped over in his chair, fingers barely clutching an empty beer bottle. I frown and walk over to him.

"Dad?" I ask gently. He stirs but doesn't wake up. I sigh, he's passed out.... Again.

"C'mon dad, lets get you into bed." I mumble propping him up out of the chair. His eyes open slightly as I half carry him over to his bed. He grunts softly as I push him into the bed and pull the covers over him. His eyes lock with mine for a second.

"I'm sorry son.... I didn't mean to.." He slurs half asleep still. 

"That's alright dad." I say, paying his shoulder comfortingly. His eyes slip shut and he begins to snore softly. 

I push myself up from the bed and exit the room, closing the door behind me. Ben perks up

Upon seeing me.

"Is he coming?" He asks hopefully. I shake my head.

"No, he's not coming. It's just you and me tonight buddy." 

"Why doesn't daddy ever eat with us anymore?" Ben asks sadly. I sigh, not knowing what to say.

"He's not mad at us is he?" Ben asks suddenly sounding very worried. 

"No he's not mad at us, don't worry about it. Dads just not feeling very well , so he's resting." I explain trying to use my words carefully. 

"You promise?" He asks. I chuckle at the serious expression on his face.

"Yeah buddy, I promise." 

An hour or so later, Bens had a bath, we've read some stories, and now now he's snuggled up in his bed, ready or sleep. I hand him his favorite stuffed animal, a fluffy blue bear, which he clutches onto as his eyes start to close. I smile and ruffle his hair affectionately.

"Goodnight squirt." I whisper. 

"Goodnight." He mumbles through a yawn. 

I turn and flip his Iron Man night light on, before exiting the room. 

I walk over by the door and pick up his back pack, along with mine. He said he didn't have homework, but there might be some forms or something that needs to be signed. I shuffle through the his bag and pull out a few papers, glancing them over I sign the necessary ones and place them back inside. 

I set his back pack back the way he had it by the door, and then began to rummage through my own backpack. Luckily I don't have too much homework because I didn't make it to most of my classes. I guess thats one good thing that came from being stuck in that damn locker all day.... 

Once I finish my small amount of homework, I open my notebook, turn to a random blank page, and scribble down a note for my dad. We have this agreement, that if he ever passes out, I write him a short note to let him know how the night went, and tell him anytihng improtant that he needs to know. He reads the notes whenever he wakes up and it just makes him feel better about not actually spending the night with me and Ben. 

Hey dad,

Hope you arn't feeling too bad this morning.  Ben and I ate spaghetti for dinner, theres some left in the fridge if you want any. We are getting low on food, so if you could leave some money out for me to go food shopping that would be great. Remeber, you promissed you would work on stuff, so plase do. I love you dad.

I place the note on the center of the table. and walk over to the couch, yawning. It's only around 10, but it feels so late. I set my alarm for 6 am, same time as everyday, and colllapse on the couch. I have to be early, so I can get Ben dressed and ready for school as well as myself.  I sigh and roll over, trying ot find a comfortable postion on this lumpy thing.  

I toss and tunr for who knows how long, and eventually fall asleep.

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