Chapter 13.

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A/N: I just wanted to take a minute to apologize for not updating as much lately, also for only posting short badly written chapters. I have been very busy lately, a lot of stuff has been happening and unfortunately I haven't been able to sit and write like I normally can.

I promise I am going to try update more often.

Hope you guys had a nice Christmas. If you don't celebrate Christmas, then I hope you had nice day.


*Derek pov*

"What class do you have next?" Chelsea asks me, I shrug.

"Who cares, I'm going to the movies anyway." She rolls her eyes and turns her attention to someone else.

"Did you ever figure out what the Noah kids problem is?" Zach asks lazily picking at his lunch.

"No, he still won't talk to me, and now he's avoiding me hardcore since that son of a bitch Adam got involved." I say, sighing slightly.

"You think he knows?" Emma wonders aloud.

"Who knows what?" I ask.

"You think Noah knows.... About you?" She asks me, hesitating slightly, I blink.

"What about me?" Emma frowns.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Derek. What if he knows what you did?" She asks, eyebrows raising slightly, I narrow my eyes and grit my teeth... She knows she's not supposed to bring that up...

"He does not know.... And he's not going to find out." I say, keeping my tone low. Emma shrugs.

"I'm just saying, what if he does, and that's why he's avoiding you."

I sigh an glance around the table, seeing everyone else is now looking away from Emma and I awkwardly. They have no idea what we're talking about and it's going to stay that way. There's only three people in the world who know about what I did, myself included, and that number isn't about to grow.....

"So how about this weather we're having..." Jesse says finally breaking the silence. I chuckle at him. Although the tension is still apparent between all of us it's been lightened.

I go back to eating my food, not noticing the body standing in front of me until they clear there throat. I glance up, and raise my eye brows in surprise.


"Come with me." He says flatly. I blink, but nod, wondering what he wants. He turns bd walks away, and I push myself up from the table and follow him.

We exit the cafeteria and I lean casually against the wall, waiting for him to speak.

"I wanted to talk to you about Adam." He begins.

"What about him?"

"Why did he attack Noah? And don't say you don't know because I know you have something to do with it." I blink at the harshness of his tone.

"Look, what that guy does is out of my control. I can-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Have whatever middle school feud you two wanna have, I don't give a damn about that. But kindly leave my friend out of it." He snaps, damn.... He hasn't been this pissed at me in a long time.

"What do you want me to do, I don't control what Adam does." I point out, Nick sighs.

"Just talk to him, and see if you two can't settle this without brining him into it."

"Ill do what I can." I promise, seeing him relax slightly at my response.

I wait for a moment but he says nothing, just stands there staring at me.

"Anything else?"

"He's back." He says softly, blink.


"You know who?"

My eyes widen slightly as I realize who he means.


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