Chapter 17

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A/N: I am very very sorry it took so long, but here you go.Originally this chapter was going to be much more eventful, but this chapter ended up decently long so I decided to just split it up. I'm sorry the last few chapters have been filler, the plot will pick back up next chapter. I already have it planned out I just have to actually write it.

Also I aware I posted a status a few days ago promising this chapter, but I got busy with school. I am sorry if you were disappointed or confused at all.


Also I have no idea what I was talking about with the geometry thing. So sorry if it maes no sense, I literally just made it up.

Also school is a bitch.....

But I am enjoying it.

Sweet Jesus.

Also can we just take a minute to apreciate how fucking delicious peanut butter is?

I would eat it everyday of my life if I could.

*Noah pov*

I walk up to Bens school, mentally scolding myself for being late again. I feel realy bad for always being late, but I keep getting help up at school. I smiles seeing him sitting on the school steps, playing wit the strings on his backpack.

"Hey Buddy!" I call as I get closer. He lifts his head, smiling brightly when he see's me. He jumps up from the steps, and runs over to me, wrapping his small arms around me. I chuckle, giving him a little squeeze in retrun, ruffling his short brown hair.

"Gess what guess what guess what?"He asks excitedly as he lets me go, I raise my eyebrows.

"What what what?" I ask in the same tone as him, making him giggle.

"My class is going on a field trip next week!" he anounces proudly.

"Really? To where?" I ask as we start walking towards home.

"To the city! It's gonna be so cool, they have a giant toy store with tons of spiderman stuff!" He says happily, I smile.

"Sounds like so much fun, what day are you going?" I ask, he thinks for a minute.

"Next week." He tells me, I chuckle at him.

"Yeah I know it's next week, I was asking you about the day." I point out, he sighs.

"I don't know, just next week." He tells me in a tone that indicates he wants me to drop it. I smile, and ruffle is hair.

"Okay, sorry. Lets go home." He smiles and nods.


I jolt mysef awake, binking rapidly. My eyes find the clock on the wall, which informs me that it's getting pretty late. No wonder I'm so damn tired. Shit...I can't fall asleep yet, I have too much homework to do. I sigh, running my hands throgh my hair. I pick my penicle back up, and go back to doing my geometry work.

15. What is the area of a circle with a radious that is half the size of it's circmfrence.

I stare at the problem for almost ten minutes, trying to comprehend the absolute fuckery that is geometry , before I exhale in exasperation and decide to take a break. I can afford a break right? I mean it's only friday, I have all weekend to work on it...

I push myself up from the table and go to look for a disrtaction. I don't care what it is, anything to get my mind off of this damn homework...

After several minutes of wandering around the apartment aimlessly, I find myself looking through Bens backpack. I look through the papers, checking for any homework or papers that need to be looked over. I pause when I come across a bright pink paper, with the words "Trip to the City" printed at the top in bold dramatic lettering. I look over ther paper, it says that on Monday Bens class is going to be going up to the city, and spending all day there. It says that the city is several hours away, and the class isn't going to be home until almost nine at night.

I frown, it would be fun for Ben.. but...

Letting him go would involve having to find something in the house to throw together that could pass as a sack lunch or going out and spending money we don't have to buy him a lunch. Plus I would have to give Ben money for the Leggo store, and probably more money for anyother places the class stops at. Plus, Ben is going to insist on brining some toys and books to occupy himself on the long bus ride. He can be careless sometimes, and they could easilly get lost. We obviously do not have the money to replace his toys, and Ben would be heartbroken if he lost his favorite toys.

I groan softly, I hate myself for doing this to Ben, but I just can't afford to send him on this trip. I click my pen agaisnt the table, getting ready to check the bo on the paper that the student doesn't have permission to go, when I hear a small creek.

I turn my head to see Ben, sleepily rubbing his eyes and yawning. I smile as he apraches me.

"Hey squirt." I say hiding the paper in my hand. He doesn't need to know yet..

"Noah, what are you doing?" He asks in a tired voice.

"Don't worry about it bud, why aren't you in bed sleeping?" I ask, he bites his lip.

"I had a bad dream." He tell me, I frown.

"Do you wanna tell me about it?" I asks, placing a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. He shakes is head, his dark brown hair falling in his eyes. I smile, and gently brush the hair away.

"You need a haircut." I tell him, he pouts.

"I do not!" He says lazily pushing my hand away.

I smile, and push myself up from the table.

"C'mon buddy, lets get you back into bed." I say, nudging him gently towards his room.

A few minutes later, I've read him stroy, tucked him back in, and checked various places for monsters. Ben's now snuggled up in his bed eyes barley staying open. I smile as he yawns, and closes his eyes and his grip on his stuffed blue bear.

"Goodnight Ben." I say, pushing myself up from his bed.

"Noah?" He stirs.

"Yeah buddy?" I ask,

"Do I have a mom?" He asks, his voice barely coming out of his almost alseep body. I freeze, I wasn't expecting that question.

"What?" Is the only thing I could think of to say, but all I got was a snore in response. I frown, and exit his room, I'll have to think of a better response for if he asks in the future.

I walk back over to the table, and glance over his permission slip onve agian. I frown, we don't realy have money for this, but Ben deserves a day of fun. I sigh, and mark the paper indicating that he can go. I'll make it work somehow.

Now, back to this damn geometry.....

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