Chapter 12

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A/N: Yes I realize this chapter sucks. I am sorry. I also realize it's short. I am sorry once again. I also realize I haven't been updating the past few days. I am sorry a third time.


*Noah pov*

"Noah, hey dude!" Nick calls me as I walk to my first class of the day.

"Hey." I answer back, smiling.

"Sorry if we scared you yesterday, it's just that Adams bad news." He apologizes, I shrug.

"It's cool, but seriously how bad can he be compared to Derek."

"He's not as bad as Derek, but don't underestimate him. He's still bad enough on his own."

"Great so I have two bullies to worry about now." I groan.

"What did Mr. Reynolds say about switching partners?"

"Oh.. I forgot to ask him." I mumble.

"You forgot? You do want to switch partners right?" Nick asks seriously, raising his eye brow.

"Of corse! I just forgot to ask him."

"Good, cause for a second there I thought you were keeping him as your partner on purpose." He mumbles, I roll my eyes.

"What does it matter?" I ask, he shrugs

"All I'm saying is, be carefu-." He stops dead in his tracks, staring ahead of us.

I follow his gaze, and see he's looking at a dude I've never seen before, who's getting something out of his locker. He has bright red hair and pale blue eyes. He's wearing mostly black, and has a lip ring.

"Do you know him?" I ask, nick doesn't answer. Instead he walks up to the dude, and taps him on the shoulder. The dude turns around, they look each other up and down, before hugging, like two long lost brothers, reunited after several years.

Before I can ask nick who the guy is, the bell Rings and I have to go toe class.


"Has anyone see Nick?" Morgan asks as I sit as the lunch table,

"Not since this morning." I tell her.

We go around the table and apparently no body else has seen him either. Morgan sighs, clearly frustrated.

"Why do you need him?" Nathan asks.

"Well it's just that I have to go Tudor some freshmen after lunch and he promised he would help." She explains, we all give her sympathetic looks.

"What's the subject?" I ask, taking a bite of my cheese burger.


"Oh god." Nathan says disgustedly.

"I know." I Morgan sighs in a depressed voice.

I chuckle at my silly friends and continue to eat my lunch. I would love to help Morgan out, I'm sure we all would, but.... Fuck math.

Towards the end of the period, nick showed up. He walked into the cafeteria, and walked straight past our table. A few of use called out to him but he ignored us, and continued walking towards the other side of the room, right up to the table where Derek and his friends sat.

He approaches Derek, who's laughing at something one of his friends said, and says something. Derek raises his eyebrow, but nods, standing up. They both exit the cafeteria.

"What was that about?" I ask the rest of the people at the table who saw what just happened, but they all seem as confused me.

I wonder what's going on with them...

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