My Girl

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I stared at myself in the floor length mirror, happy and content with what I saw. I didn't see a face worthy of being on a magazine, or a body that had men crawling on all fours with drool hanging out of their mouths.


I saw confidence. Something I always lacked back in Highschool. I was never teased and bullied; I was just unnoticed. I didn't mind it though, I enjoyed the silence. Being too popular meant I had to act overly happy and it made me inwardly gag at 'popular' girls at my Highschool with their peppy hair and caked on faces. On the other hand, being too nerdy caused people to notice you in a bad way, and we all know what that means.

I stared at my reflection again. My greens eyes framed with full black lashes began looking over my attire which was just a pair of jeans, gray shirt, and bright blue converse. I had strawberry blonde hair that fell in waves to my wasit. I wasn't exactly skin and bones, but I wasn't a chubby person either. I had curves, I guess you could say.


"Olivia! I know you're in there and I know what you're trying to wear to your first day of work!!"

I smiled to myself, rolling my eyes at my bestfriend Kate and all of her craziness. We had become the best of friends in Highschool junior year.

She and I had met when when one the popular girls walked straight into me knocking my art supplies out of my hand and looked away without apologizing. But me, being me, with a hot temper snatched her arm and twirled her around roughly. She look shocked that I actually had the guts to do it, but hey! Kate had been there as one her friends at the time and when the caked faced bitch and I were about to fist fight, me knowing I would kick her ass in no time, and her just putting on a pouty face, Kate had stepped in and told cake face she was wrong for what she did. It had shocked me at the time and it apprently did the same to cake face. They kind of disowned her from the group then, which she wasn't too upset about, and slowly but surely we are where we are now.

"Kate, I'm wearing jeans and a shirt! I don't want to be too dressy! It's just an interview for a desk job." I rolled my eyes.

I would have rather worked at McDonalds, but after leaving a small town and moving to New York, you find out that McDonalds and a roomate to help you pay half of rent and bills was just not going to cut it.

Kate burst through the door looking me up and down before she gave a creepy smile and walked circles around me. I was bound to be attacked by her anytime now and she was going to do the worst thing.. Put me in a dress.

I looked at her like a deer in headlights.

I was her personal doll and though I always tried to avoid it, she knew how to sucker me in.

She stopped suddenly and I gulped. I turned my head slightly to see her lunge at me and right before she caught me, I swivelled out of her reach, grabbing my bag on the way out the door. Shuffeling my feet quickly to the exit I heard Kate scream "Olivia, PLEASE!!"

I chuckled to myself as I clicked the door shut and made my way to the interview.

According to my obsessive bestfriend's research on the internet, the company was owned by one of the most eligable bachelors on New York. I refused to look at the picture she was shoving in my face because, I knew I wasn't going to find him attractive. I never did.

Not that I cared, men weren't in my past and they certainly woulnd't be in my future.

Besides, it's not like I'm ever going to see the guy so what was the point of looking at him?


So hello everyone again! This is my new book and I hoped you all enjoyed the first chapter. I have a lot of hope for this story and if you like it please vote and comment!

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