Chapter Six

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I'm still with you! Update is a little early because I probably won't update this weekend like promised. You guys should be proud! I had a looong day at work and I'm sorry if there's errors in this chapter. But here it is!!

Hope you enjoy it (:

Also listening to Kid Ink's "Show Me"


I woke up to my alarm clock ringing like a knife to the brain. I swung my arm across my dresser as the bright orange alarm clock went flying into the wall. I heard a snap and got up quickly from my comfy bed and ran across my room to caress it. Love/hate relationship, remember?

"Oh no, please don't be broken! You know I love you, right? I'm sorry!"

I turned it around to see another beautiful crack in the screen diagnol from the one it was already sporting. I handled it gently as I lay it back on top of my dresser as to make sure nothing popped out. I really couldn't afford a new one and I knew myself that if I got a new one, it would never be the same.

I sighed as I looked at the time, 6:30 in the morning. No, Kate did not do this on purpose again; I had set it for work. Yes work.. Rebecca had awoken me from my slumber yet again with a text saying 'be at work at 7:00 am sharp'. Who parties the night before work at 7:00 in the morning?! Some people here like to sleep a whole 12 hours, thank you. If I had known, I wouldn't have gone last night..

Last night.... I remember a warm hard body clinging to mine. The way his hands moved on my body made it feel like fireworks were exploding within me. I rolled my eyes; of course this was just a figment of my imagination. No man has ever made me feel that way and I didn't expect it start now just because of a fancy dress and some alcohol.. Though, if alcohol was going to give me those types of dreams, then I might drink more often...

I chuckled to myself at the naughty thoughts running through my head as I turned on the shower and pulled out a skirt suit to wear to my 'officia'l first day of work. Kate had bought it for me along with the dress from last night and I didn't complain seeing as I would probably look unprofessional in my jeans and shirt.

I tied my long blonde hair into a high ponytail with tight sides and a loose top and put a little mascara on. I didn't bother with the other pounds of make up Kate had bought me. My skin was naturally smooth and clear and me doing eye make up probably wasn't going to look as good as it did last night, I can say that much so I played it safe.

I quietly tip toed out of the house, trying not to wake Kate on the way out as my heels (that I could barely function in) clacked on the tile floors. Closing the doors and releasing a breath of relief I turned to start my journey walking... again. I learned last night that a taxi was not something I could afford on a daily basis.

Weirdly, at 6:45 in the morning in the city of 'joy oh joy' New York, there were not many pedestrains walking around like last time. I pouted as I realised this.. I had my strong elbows ready for war. I wasn't worried about getting lost again, probably because once I do something clearly the first time, I always remember it.

I saw the gigantic building come into view and I took a deep breath before entering the swirlely doors. Sara, looked up expecting me to be a client but her face quickly turned to surpirse as she observed my outfit and then to full blown excitement.

"Olivia!! Oh my gaah, you look so good. Way better than the first time I met you. I'm so happy you're catching on already. We're going to be great friends even though you're not going to be in my section of the department anymore. Sad face. Oh well, you remember my name right? Sara and don't you forget it. If you forgot before I told you then I forgive you, you were drinking last night so whatever."

"Woooaah, slow down. First off, I did remember your name Sara, I wasn't drunk when you told me. You sure do know how to ramble, eh?" I chuckled. She looked embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I never know when to stop but-"

Remebering something important in her ramble, I interrupted.

"Wait a sec.. What do you mean I won't be working in the same section as you? I applied for front desk remember?"

She cocked her head to the side and looked at me confused.

"Rebecca didn't tell you? I guess not since she's a bitch anyways and probably jealous, but I guess the big man upstairs just fired another receptionist and since you have so much experience, the head manager and Mr. Arconato decided to let you deal with him."

"Wha--? Me deal with him? I can't afford to be fired! I need the money..!" I could feel myself floating into panic mode. I can't get fired! What if I don't live up to his expectations? I mean, I'm new at this too! Why can't I just do what I applied for?

"Don't worry about it" Sara said waving her hand like it was nothing "I'm sure you'll be fine. And even better, you'll have eye candy. I hear he's super hot in person; I've only seen pictures."

"Sara, the last thing on my mind is his hotness." I said practically hyperventalating. Guys never caught my eye anyways, but this.. This guy was my money maker! The one who was going to pay my bills and allow me to feed myself! Oh my gosh, my heart is going pop out of my chest.

Sara just watched me overreact with no real emotion in her face while I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Come on Liv, I'll show you your new desk at the top floor. He's not in yet; apparently doesn't even come until around 9:00 in the morning so you're safe for now and have time to get over your panic attack." She said coolly

"I'm not having a panic attack! I'm having a meltdown!" I whisper screamed at her.

She rolled her eyes at my dramatic performance and kept moving until we came to the elevator and Sara pushed the button for the top floor. When the doors opened it revealed an even bigger office then the last one I was in. Everything was the same except this one was much fancier. I felt so poor at the moment looking at everything so expensive. I was afraid to step on the plush carpet, scared my 'poor' feet might ruin it.

Wait a hot minute Olivia damn Freeler, you are NOT a crybaby. Stop crying over your 'poor little life' like a pussy. This fortune, this expensive shit was probably just a bunch of money handed down to a greedy son who didn't have to lift a finger for a damn thing in his perfect rich life. Stop being jealous, it's childish!

I sighed my mind was more rational that my greedy little heart. That's probably why when people say 'listen to your heart' I roll my eyes. If I did that, I probably wouldn't be anywhere in life right now.

"This is your desk!" Sara squealed, ripping me from my depressing thoughts. She ran her fingers over a huge black wooden desk that was styled in an old Victorian way. Well, the man had taste I could say that.

"It's beautiful" I sighed. Sara nodded her head in agreement.

"Do you know what to do or shall I explain?"

"No, no. Go back to your station, I'll be fine here. Just paperwork right? I got it." I smiled

Sara nodded her head smiling, and left the office. I let the smile slide off my face and turned towards the desk. Taking a deep breath in I walked over to the desk and began to work.


"Eh hem." I dark melodic voice brought me from my trance of paperwork because it was so close. I looked up to see a man with dark olive skin, the greyest of eyes, full lips, strong jaw, and slight stubble staring back at me.

My lips parted in surprise as my eyes greedily took in what was before me. This strange man had on a black armani suit with a skinny grey tie and a lanky but strong and toned build. His tattoos were slightly peaking out from his collar and his chocolate brown hair was slicked back; it was almost black.

I could practically feel myself drooling. What the hell?

I shook my head from the weird and foreign thoughts.

My eyes roamed up to meet his eyes which were glaring at me. I shrunk back from the mean lasers. His looked changed from glare to shock for less than a second before he went into a blank expression. We didn't say anything for what felt like centuries but was probably only a few seconds. Finally he spoke.

"I announced my arrival as soon as I walked in but you blatantly ignored me." He said in a deep husky voice but I could trace some anger in his voice.

I gulped with my eyes wide "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't hear you."

His eyes flashed a hint off annoyance at my response but he quickly composed himself looking professional.

"Your name." he commanded. This voice sounded familar.

"Olivia Freeler, sir."

"Do you know who I am?"

"Mr. Garcia, my boss and owner of the company." I was TOTALLY unsure if he was or not but I tried to sound confident in my response. I didn't want him to know that I didn't know what my boss looked liked so I took a wild guess and hoped God would be on my side.

A frown appeared on his face as he looked at me skeptically. "Correct" He said sounding dissapointed before he stalked off into his side of the office slamming the door shut so hard I practically jumped out of my skin.

It felt like this whole building just came crashing off my shoulders as I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I slumped back into my chair until it came to my mind that I couldn't see him, but he more than likely could see me. I shot back up in my chair looking professional as I put the nerves to the back of my mind and carried on with my mountain of work.

And then I remembered seeing his hands, they had tattoos similar to my day dream. Hm, coincidence?


So, this chapter is HELLA long and it took me forever to write. I was trying to sastify everbody's wants when reading a romance book and hopefully gave off the impression that Mr. Garcia is sexy as hell! I don't have an actor for him because I'd like everybody to use their imagination. I feel like that's always better when reading; it pleases the readers more to make up their own Mr. Garcia in their mind (:

I was considering putting off meeting Mr. Garcia again but decided we should just GET ON WITH IT (:

By the way, I have NO future plans for making a Liam P.O.V. I find it unrealistic to use both character's feelings and thoughts and then the story loses it's mystery and people get bored half way; I know I do!

I really hoped you guys enjoyed this and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE


VOTE ANNNNNND COMMENT!! I need inspiration to keep writing and you guys are it!

-Renee' <3

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