Chapter Two

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As I walked down the busy streets of New York, I couldn't help but get frustrated at the bodies of flesh that kept pushing and everywhere you turned there was a weight smakcing into you. People screaming into their cell phones and expensive purses stabbing you in the arm was not starting my day off good.

I cursed under my breath for letting Kate decide where we would start our new lives from Colorado. She knew I was horrible at rock paper scissors, but then again, Kate always knew how to sucker me in. She had convinced me that New York was the place to be. Looking around now, I wonder how I ever fell for that.

I sucked in a deep breath as I walked to the front of a tiny diner which was void of people and grabbed the map from my back pocket. I glued my eyes to it hoping that I was actually going the right way. God must have sensed my discomfort in this big city and gave me some luck because according to the map, I was.

I shoved the crumpled map back into my fitted jeans and began weaving my way through meats of poundy flesh again.

As I began to reach my destination, my palms began to sweat. I had applied for the job online and thankfully they had chosen me as one of the lucky winners to get an interview with the head manager. The job description was good. No long hours and the pay was more than enough to get my half of bils in.

But walking to the enormous building now, I couldn't help but feel nervous at it's size. Maybe I should've listenend to Kate when she was exploding with information about the research she had done on the place.

I sighed, there was no going back now. As I entered the swirlley doors I came face to face with a pretty receptionist who had dark brown hair which was pulled up. It went nicely with her fitted skirt suit and stilletto heels.

Wow, I feel underdressed. Now, I know why Kate was so pestering this morning.

The receptionist eyed me up and down before asking

"Can I help you?"

"Umm, yes I have and interview with the head manager for a front dek job..?" It came out as a question due to scrutinizing glare.

"Are you sure you're in the right place, darling?"

I frowned at her. Thanks a lot. Not the sarcasm.

"Yes, I am."

"Umm, okay. Well give me your name and I'll call the mian office to see if the head manager is available for you."

I nodded my head as I gave her my name and stood off by the end of the desk waiting for her to call me over.

When she waved her hand over, I shuffeled my feet quickly, just wanting to get this over with.

"The head manager isn't in today, but luckily for you, Mr. Arconato has time to meet with you... You're very lucky." she said as she winked.

"Umm okay, which way do I go?"

As she gave me directions I couldn't help but wonder why she had winked. Was she into him or something? Wow, New York girls surely have no shame. Seriously, keep it in your pants.

As the elevator doors opened I found my standing in a really fancy living room..? No wait, office. Or atleast half of the office, seeming as their was a glass wall splitting the two in half. It was tinted so you couldn't see in.

A woman at the desk cleared her throat as if I was intruding. I looked at her up and down before meeting her intense gaze. She was just as pretty as the girl downstairs at the other front desk. Though, this one had no filter in the looks she was giving me and I felt myself slightly shrink back.

What was her deal?

"Can I help you?" She sneered at me

"Yeah, I have an interview with Mr. Arconato for a front desk position." I sneered right back. I may not be the most confident person in my looks, but that didn't mean I didn't have a temper when it came to rude ass people.

She snickered under her breath and mumbled 'that's impossible'.

I glared at her. She was really pressing my nerves and today was just not my day. But she picked up the phone none the less and pressed at button.

"Hello Mr. Arconato, yes, a woman named...."

She waited for my name.

"Olivia Freeler" I spit at her.

"Olivia Freeler is here to see you. Saying she has an appointment with you for a front desk job." she chuckled under her breath and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and shift my feet. I just wanted to go home. McDonalds didn't sound all too bad right now.

I heard a deep voice mumble something sharp and straight to the point and she immediatly stood up straight with a "Yes sir, right away."

She hung up the phone and her whole attitude changed.

"Miss Freeler, Mr. Arconato is ready for you. Are you thirsty, would you like me to bring you a glass of water?" she said politely. I could see the fire burning behind her eyes along with a little hurt.

I decided against the water, knowing she would probably spit in it and I did not want to add saliva to my horrible day.

"No thanks." I said.

She nodded her head and walked towards the tinted glass wall and motioning with her head for me to follow. We came to a stop outside a door and she opened it up moving aside to let me in.

I gave her a questionign look, but she didn't even look at me.

I mentally sighed, whatever.

I heard the door close and I looked ahead of me. There was a huge oak desk in the middle of the room with two inviting looking chairs seated in the front. The rest of the room had what I would say any normal office you would expect to have. Sofas, chairs, a desk, computer, with large accented windows in the background. Though, this one looked a little too nice and fancy to be just a managers office.

What I didn't expect was a man who looked to be only a couple years older than me in a plush black office chair looking like a Greek model who just stepped out of my dreams and into my reality.



WOO! Two chapters in one night AND I have to work at 6 a.m. tomorrow ): I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter! Can anyone guess what Mr. Arconato is going to look like? I would love opinions. Comment on what you imagine him to be and I promise there will be an update this weekend!! Also, don't forget to vote!

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