Chapter thirteen

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The next 2 days were hell.

My discharge was a hassle due to the millions of papers I had to sign. The luxury suite I was in was more paperwork then just a regular hospital room and Liam left all the papers to me. Liam hadn't come by since that day and I was thankful. Though I couldn't get him off of my mind, the news I learned about his cuurent career made my stomach twist in a sick way; opening memories from the black box in my mind that was never supposed to be opened.

Being back in my small apartment was more then a relief. I sighed as I dropped my duffel bag of clothes in my untouched room. Kate had brought them to me while I was in the hospital nursing my injury. She said, and I quote, "that hospital dress is hideous, don't worry, I'll be some cumfy lingerie." and walked away with me staring at her in disbelief because the doctor was right there reading over my files until he turned to roam his eyes over my exposed legs. When I noticed his prying eyes, I turned to give him my full on scowl.

I huffed as I out my hands on my hips. I might as well get this un-packing done now. I started pulling things out of my duffel and was almost done when I pulled a lacy black garment squished in the very back corner of the bag and felt my face heat up with embaressment. She was serious?

"Kate!!" I yelled.

Busting through my door in record time was a breathless Kate.

"What, what? Are you hurt? Did you fall? Why are you unpacking this?! You should be resting, foolio!"

"Kate, that is not the problem at hand right now! I can't believe you actually put lingerie in my bag!" I said with wide eyes and a face heating up with more embarresment than ever.

After my complaint was done Kate only smirked down at me with a smug smile playing at her lips.

"That's it? Oh, geeze. You needed to be sexy for that sex God who was coming to see you almost everyday!" She said and then gasped as I felt a pang in my chest.

"I am so--"

"Don't worry about it Kate. I'm the one who broke things off. Wait, did we even have a thing? You know what, nevermind. I'd really rather not talk about HIM anymore."

Kate was silent for awhile and the whole time I tried to busy myself with the mission of un-packing in front of me only wishing she would say something anything, as long as it didn't have to do with him.

"What are you going to do about work?" She suudenly asked making me jump.

"I'm going to work. I have a job. He may have said he fired me but I plan to go there and if he kicks me out, then so be it, but I'm not just going to give up because he got sensitive about what I said to him." I said turning to look back at Kate. 

She only shifted her eyes to the floor and mumbled "I don't think that's why he got sensitive." 

I almost didn't hear it and wished I didn't. But instead of investigating further, I decided to let it go. Silence filled the room and Liam filled my head. I cursed under my breath for thinking about such a monster. Kate had come in that same day Liam left me on the floor. Her eyes widened when she saw me with blood shot eyes and a runny nose demanding to know what happened and I gladly told her seeking some comfort.

I shook my head as I felt tears burn the rims of my eyes and turnedaround once agin to have a topic change with Kate only to notice she was no longer there. I rubbed my eyes while mumbeling an "oh well" under my breath. Standing around my room I looked around for something to keep me busy but came up empty handed. Deciding a shower would relieve some stress I went to the one bathroom to undressed before looking at my pale face in the mirror.

Why was I sad? I should be angry at him. I should be offended he ever put me in that situation. He may have not meant to happen, but it did and it was because of him. No, I wasn't going to pity myself anymore.

As these thoughts ran through my head, I visibly saw my eyes harden with revenge and fury.

No, I was not going to let Liam Garcia kick me out the way he did; he will not have the last word.


Sorry this chapter sucks but if you enjoy it let me know. I'm trying to update more often but my life is pretty hectic right now. I'm thinking of maybe starting a new book. Haven'y decided yet but I will let everyone know if it happens!

-Renee <3

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