Chapter Seven

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Hey friends I decided to update since my job let me off early (: 

Hope you enjoy (:


I slammed my head onto the desk after so many hours of just looking at white sheets of papers with a million numbers on it. I swear it felt like I was looking into the Matrix. Mr. Garcia had left not even five minutes ago saying nothing on his way out other than that he was leaving. No 'good work' or 'see you tomorrow'. What a jerk! 

He hasn't spoken to me, or better yet, come out of that hole he was in all day. All I got from him were E-mails and I felt this job was going to be something hard to get used to. Why couldn't you just get up and walk to the door like a normal person? Or at least call? Hot jerk.

Wait no! Just jerk. Plain jerk.

Much better Olivia.

I sighed as I lifted my head from the desk. I guess I should leave too, then? Looking around now at the empty and silent office I started to panic slightly. Crap, when do I leave? I guess I should've asked Sara. I couldn't ask my so called 'boss' because the man didn't speak to me all day or show his sexy little face. The E-mails he sent me literally consisted of three words 'send this here' and then a stupid link to where ever. Wait, Sara! I could just call her section. I prayed she was still there when I pressed in her section's 3 digit number.

"Hello, Sara speaking."

"Sara! Thank God, it's me, Olivia."

She chuckled "What's up girl?! How did the day go? Not fired yet, huh?"

"Don't even joke about that, I think he hates me. I didn't get fired... Yet at least. Oh yeah, before I forget why I called, when can I go home?"

"Did Mr. Garcia leave already?"

"Uh yeah, he left like ten minutes ago."

"Well then you can go" she said in a 'duh' tone "When our manager, or in your case 'boss' leaves, then you can too."

I felt really stupid right about then. "Oh okay. Thanks so much Sara, I don't know how long I woud've been sitting here if it weren't for you."

She chuckled as we both shut the phones. I turned the computer off as I separated my piles of finished and unfinished paper work to the side. Grabbing my coat and slipping my heels back on, I walked out to the elevator. 

I let out a huge breath of relief when cold wind whipped my hair around dramatically. It was so nice to breath in fresh air. That office was so cramping and it was practically suffocating me. I had no idea how I was going to survive.

I smiled as I bent my head back towards the sky and smiled looking at the many stars I expected to be there, but weren't. I frowned, of course New York has too many damn lights in the city to even see the ones in the sky. 

I turned to walk home, when I felt myself being shoved to the side. It was my fault for looking at the blank sky and not in front of me but still, I panicked when I saw headlights heading straight for my face and felt my body tipping sideways... Shock penatrated my body and I had no luck of trying to catch my footing. This was it! I'm going to die in New York because of these damn people! Luckily for me, I felt a pair of strong hands that made sparks shoot up through my arm grip me tightly and yank me back into the safe zone. 

I breathed in and out heavily while one hand was on my knee and I was bending over. The other was still being roughly gripped by the man sending sparks through my arm. My heart was likely to stop in a few seconds from beating so fast. I'm pretty sure this was shock? Or going into shock? I mean, my life did just flash before my eyes. 

My savior was still gripping my arm tightly and I could hear a familar voice getting angrier and louder in the background. I pushed myself to stand up straight and to stop overracting like a girl. 

You've had worse.

I looked up to meet a all too familiar pair of beautiful grey eyes. He was glaring at me hard and if my body wasn't so drained I probably would've took off in the other direction. Instead, I willed myself to speak.

"Thank you, Mr. Garcia" I breathed because I was so breathless. My heart was still pounding against my ribcage.

"What the fuck, Olivia?! Watch where you're fucking going!" He yelled directly in my face. I shrunk back and felt tears prick at my eyes. No I was not going to cry infront of this jerk. No matter how hot and sexy he is.

"Mind your god damn business!" I said through gritted teeth and tried to yank my arm back and walk away dramatically but it didn't work. The more I struggled, the more pressure he applied until I felt like my arm wasn't getting enough blood.

"Let go of me now, or I swear I'll scream. You're hurting me." I threatend. This rich kid thinks he can get away with anything just because of his parent's money.

He literally laughed in my face.

"Do you think I care if you scream?" He was bending down to my ear now with his lips barely touching the lobe. "Do you not know who I am?" He said as he lightly rubbed his lips down from my ear lobe to my neck and then shoulder.

Anyone passing could probably see the way his voice made me wobble, and not in a bad way. 


This all seemed way too familiar. I pulled back quickly and he looked shocked for a second before he composed his features into a hard unreadble mask.

"Haven't I met you before..?" I questioned him "And not just as my boss."

He smiled slyly as his other hand snaked around my waist and lifted me off my feet. I was too shocked to say anything as he began walking and being chest to chest with him made my stomach clench in anticipation.

"Yes we have, love. I was your dance partner who clearly told you to stay." He whispered as his hand moved further down my back "But you clearly don't know how to take orders."

Next thing I knew I was being shoved into a black Mercedes and he slipped right in the back with me, placing his hand on my thigh.

"What?" I asked shocked "That wasn't a dream?"

So, that wasn't a dream?I guess that would make a lot of sense since he was making my body crazy the same way it was that oh so beautiful night. Great, now I'm going insane because a guy is truly making me feel this way. But not just any guy, my boss, the spoiled rich kid, and a man who is clearly feared. I remembered the man who shrunk back from him at the club, all his tattoos, and menacing voice. The voice that made my breath catch in my throat and butterflies to run wild in my stomach.

"Let's check" He whispered huskily and before I could say or do anything he had me laying in the backseat with my arms pinned up on top of my head as his lips -- those full full lips, crashed down on to mine.

I swear a pack of C4 went off in my body right then.


Soooo, how is this chapter, eh? I hope everyone enjoyed it (:

Not sure when the next update will be, I have a long couple days ahead of me.

What will Olivia do now that's he's kissed her AND she found out it wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her? LEt me just tell you, this is not going to happen how many of you might think it will (:


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