Chapter Nine

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I awoke to my nose stinging from the strong antibiotics in the air. I scrunched it up in distaste.

Where was I?

I opened my eyes to a pale blinding light right above my head, which only confused me more until I sat up slightly and took in more of surroundings. I saw I was lying in a bed with pale blue covers and railings at the side. Looking over I saw an arm chair beside my bed, but it was empty and then a door to my right which I knew was to a bathroom. 

Oh yeah, a hospital. I hate these places.
Being here made a pool of tears form in my eyes and slowly trail down my face. I tried to shake them off but I could hardly move other than sitting up the little that I did.

My muscles felt heavy; a little too heavy and a numb pain began pulsing in my shoulder. I looked over at it to inspect more closely only to find it bandanged and wrapped up in white gauze.

What the hell happened?

Flashbacks invaded my mind the way a character pops out in a scary movie.

Terrifying and unwanted.

A noise started to beep louder as I realized why I was here. I had been shot with Liam. Oh my god, I was shot. Yeah I've been in bad situations, but never shot!

I saw in the corner of my eye that the bathroom door had been flung opne by a man who was in all black but his expression held something of importance. I screamed hoping someone would hear me because I was too weak to escape from my bed.

"Shh, Miss Freeler, you're okay. You're in a hospital." I heard the unknown man whisper. He wasn't a familiar face so when he started moving more towards me I panicked thinking he was here to hurt me.

Trying to force my muscles to move I saw my body flopping around on the bed probably looking like a fish.

"Noooo!" I screamed with my lips barely opening and it coming out raspy from not having any water hoping a doctor or someone would hear me.

I heard a buzzing sound being made and the man screaming into something or at someone. I didn't get a word he was saying only that I thought I was in danger with no way of protecting myself.

Tears began to flow faster as I thought of my father. What he used to do and how I wasn't able to protect myself.

Sobs shook my body so hard there was no need to keep forcing my body to move because they were doing it for me.

I heard the door burst open so hard it sounded like it slammed back on the wall and I felt a calming sensation take over me.

Tingles slowly soothed my veins and boiling blood along with a voice I was becoming all too familair with.

"Olivia, you're okay." Liam said softly as ever in my ear. I felt his body halfway lay on mine as he got into bed with me and pressed his face into my hair.

I let a sigh fully get rid of the bad thoughts in my mind and let my body relax into the strong safe arms of Liam.

I should have been scared; even more scared of him since I saw him handle a hand gun, but he was all I had right now and questions would come later.

"Stop!" I heard Liam command.

At first I thought he could read my thoughts and felt myself tense. Was he going to hurt me? Did I know too much? I didn't know anything! Then, did I see too much?

"But sir she--" and unfamiliar voice said.

I told myself to look over but I couldn't seem to take my eyes off his strong and manly face. Lame, I know, but something about him screamed "Safety!" to me; I felt safe.

"She doesn't need anymore sedation!" Liam said sternly.

Oh, so it was a doctor he was talking to. I let my eyes flutter shut and pressed my head more into his chest to listen to his heart beat. The rythm was steady and soon enough I could feel myself slipping into sleep.

"Yes sir. I'll be taking my leave just press the button on top of your bed if you need anything or if something changes with her condition." The doctor spoke.

I felt Liam slightly move his head probably giving the doctor a death look for giving him orders.

I chuckled in my mind thinking about the scary dooming stare he has. Those eyes were too beautiful for that.

When the door clicked shut again Liam sighed into my hair and rubbed soothing circles on my waist.

"I know you're awake but tired, the sedation will wear off soon, I promise. You probably don't feel safe with me and I know you have a lot of questions, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to answer.  You were close to death before I finally made it here. I'm going to take my leave, but I'll come back until after you're healed since this was my fault." He said with a harsh tone in his voice. I thought he was angry with me until I heard him whisper "This was all my fault.." and then he hugged me closer to him and inhaled where my neck and shoulder meet. He pulled away with his lips barely brushing my cheek but I could tell it was a sign of affection; his sign.

Other thoughts came to my mind when he finally pulled away and began to run his soft hands through my hair.

Die? Was I that close to my string being cut?

Leave? Him leave? I wanted to shout at him for thinking such a thing!

Yes I'm scared; I'm terrified!

But not of him. He saved me and I feel safe with him. Weirdly, I trust my instincts. I'm not one of those stupid girls who run away from what they don't know. I'll figure this all out.

All I know now is that he's lucky I'm too much into dreamland to even consider speaking.


Woo, new chapter! Tell me how it is!

Wrote this all on my phone again! Sweet dedication to the book (:

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-Renee <3

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