Chapter Twelve

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We stared at each other. Neither of us breaking the pregnant silence. Questions were bubbling behind my lips but I held my tongue, worried I'd push him too far. 

Liam sat in a seat across my temporary bed in the hospital. I was to be discharged in two days and before I left, I knew the slate had to be clean.

I sighed, bringing my confidence in to finally break the tense silence. I knew this coversation wasn't going to be pretty in any way and I knew in the back of my mind that the answers I would recieve from Liam weren't going to sastify me. How would they? I saw him pull out a gun and shoot it like it was a natural everyday thing. I'm sure his answers to that weren't going be "oh I practice every once and awhile." I knew this because when he was firing, I remember the fire in his eyes burning with revenge and fury.

"What are you?" I asked almost silently while I bent my head down to watch my thumbs twine together.

Liam didn't speak and after a few moments of slince I began to think he didn't hear me. So I cleared my throat and told my self to get a grip.

Lifting my head to meet his heated stare I spoke again, but this time I had confidence in my voice, even if it wasn't within me. 

"I asked, what are you?" My voice rang loud and clear this time so there was no debate of whether he heard me or not.

"I know what you said" he said between gritted teeth "I don't know how to answer that."

"With the truth, Liam! I deserve to know! For Heave's sake, I was shot! Don't you think that needs a little explanation? And you promised answers." I said with disblief.

Disblief because I was outraged that he thought he couldn't trust me. Well, in a way I didn't blame him, we just met of course. I'm not betting that I would spill one of my dirty secrets to him either.

With that thought in my mind, I instantly felt guilty. I shouldn't have demanded answers from him, but before I could apologize for my mistakes, Liam's fierce voice cut through me like a knife.

"Don't you think I know that?! And I never said I could tell you everything that you wanted to know!" He boomed, his face and eyes were so cold, I couldn't detect one hint of emotion.

He was hiding from me, and for some reason I felt the air rush out of my body and my heart deflate. An answer to why, I didn't know. There was no mistaking that I had a 'thing' for Liam, and so far, I didn't know what that 'thing' was.

Liam closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself. It felt like an eternity before he opened his eyes and began to speak.

"Don't you think I know all of this is my fault? There's no way I can take back what happened to you, and for that, I apologize. As for what I am, I'm a Mafia Leader. It was passed down to me after my father stepped down from the position." Liam said between gritted teeth and no emotion flickering in his grey eyes as he glared straight into mine.

I found myself flopping my mouth open and closed like a fish. Waiting for words to come. He was a what? Mafia Leader. which means gangs, drugs, and killing.

I stared at him in shock before I found myself scrambeling out of my bed only to fall on all fours. I crawled across the white tile floor before I felt Liam's hands grab me up. Now on two feet and he pinned me to the wall, is face inches from mine, that I could even smell his masculine scent. The pressure of his hands was unbreakable and before I knew it, I had slapped him.

"You're a killer!" I spit with venom dripping from every word.

"You're no different from every other gang member out there who messes around with drugs and people's lives! It's pathetic!" I screamed in face, wiggeling in his grasps trying to escape the cage I was in. 

Though my voice was strong and unwavering, my insides felt like jello and hot tears were pouring down my face; betraying my strong voice. He was my worst nightmare. The one guy I had a 'thing' for was an exact replica of my father. Sure, Mafia Leader sounded way more important than Boss but what they did with that ridiculous status was no different.

"I'll leave; You're fired" Liam said after staring at my face when my insults were finished.

His hands released me but not too gently as I stumbled sideways and slid down to the floor watching Liam's figure reatreat to the exit.

"How do you know I won't turn you in?" I yelled to him.

He stopped at the door with his hand on to knob. Turning to look at me he had a smug smile on his face that I wanted to just smack off. 

"You wouldn't be the first person to try and rat on me, but what proof do you have? That I handled a gun? I'm sure it's not illegal if it's licensed and was purely used in self defence." And with that, he left.

Left me on the floor, sobbing, and pulling at my hair trying to get a grip on the world.


Sorry this chaper took so long and I'm sorry that it sucks! Lost motivation with writing here recently, because of things happening in my own life. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed it.

-Renee' <3

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