Chapter Fifteen-Revelations return

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Legolas's P.O.V

"Lord Elrond" Someone pleaded "I have already fare welled those leaving, it would be better for you and I both if I left before they arrived"

The footsteps got closer "My dear, you cannot leave now for there is one you have not fare welled" I heard Elrond say.

"Bloody Wizards" The female grumbled, I glanced at Gandalf next to me "Never on time" And with that the now not so mysterious stranger came around the corner clad in a beautiful dress. It started with a deep purple at the bottom and slowly faded to white. I smiled, finally I could talk to her about what happened when we last met face to face. She squealed and flew into Gandalf's arms.

"Mithrandir!" She exclaimed and it was then I noticed the beautiful circlet nestled in her hair I swore I had seen it before.

"As I have said before Elbereth a Wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to" Elbereth chuckled at his sentence then she saw me and my Father who stood near me.

"Aran nin" (My King) She spat bowing only ever so slightly "Ernil nin" (My Prince) she growled clenching her fists and bowing vaguely in my direction.

"Aragorn!" She squealed and bounced over and bowed deeply.

"Why is it?" Aragorn asked "That you bow properly to me but not to the royal Elves?" I nodded in agreement wanting to know the answer as well.

"Royal Elves?" She scoffed "more like royal pains" And with that she skipped out of the area and a shrill whistle followed her departure.

"Follow her and bring her to me" My father commanded and turned to continue his conversation with Aragorn.

"How come I didn't get no welcome?" Gimli asked gruffly.

"She probably didn't see you down there Mellon" (Friend) I teased.

"Oh shut it" Gimli growled playfully elbowing me in the thigh "I may be short but I am not invisible" he complained and everyone let out a snort of laughter.

Elbereth's P.O.V

I rode out on Skyfire just as it started raining, as soon as I was a fair distance from Rivendell I threw my arms up in the rain and pretty soon I was drenched.

I slid off Skyfire's back and began to spin and dance in the rain, only stopping to an arrow pointed in my face, I grinned at the Elf on his white horse and then mounted Sky.

"Let's go see this king of yours shall we?" I asked they stared at me and I huffed in annoyance "Oh alright bind me if you must" I grumbled and held out my wrists. They tied them and then surrounded me, then proceeded to gallop off back to Rivendell.

"Elbereth why are you wet?" Galadriel asked "And bound" I laughed and swung off of Skyfire's back

"I was dancing in the rain Na..." I cut myself off before I could give anything away "and as for why I am bound ask him" I continued pointing at Thranduil "Why is my I... Friend bound?" My mother asked I pulled out a knife and began to saw through the ropes binding me "Arwenamin Elbereth Galadriellig" (My lady Elbereth daughter of Galadriel) Aragorn said bowing his head slightly.

Legolas's P.O.V

"Arwenamin Elbereth Galadriellig" (My lady Elbereth daughter of Galadriel) Aragorn said bowing his head slightly. Elbereth dropped the knife out of her hand and looked up at me, yet it seemed like she was looking behind her, at the same time.

"How did you know?" She asked a smile slipping onto her face.

"The clues" Aragorn stated calmly "I left you no cl... Oh" She returned when realization filled her face, my father went to kneel before her.

"Forgive me Elbereth..." She cut him off "Get up you pathetic Elf, I am not bowing to you and I certainly don't expect you to bow to me, I am just Elbereth. Always have been always will be" and with that she walked past me and down the stairs behind me, her golden hair disappearing from my sight.

Elbereth's P.O.V

I moved back to my room and slipped into a bath that a servant had begun to run I slipped into the warm water and let it wash away all of today's tension I couldn't believe that Aragorn had figured out what my lineage was, I was happy don't get me wrong but I wanted to be treated like Elbereth the Queen of the Wandering Wargs, traitor and exiled from Mirkwood. Not Elbereth, daughter of Galadriel, Lady of Lorethrin, allowed to roam wherever I please. I sighed and submerged myself under the water for a few minutes before pulling myself from the bath and wiggling into some more Elbereth like clothing and falling into bed.

I woke up disoriented I hadn't slept in a bed for ages, so where was I? Suddenly it all came flashing back to me and I knew that I couldn't sleep anymore, I clambered out of the room and jumped over several roofs before landing on a balcony facing the rising sun I sighed and closed my eyes soaking up the sunlight.

"What are you doing?" Legolas's smooth voice asked from beside me

"Being a tree" I mumbled. I peeked open an eye and saw his confused expression, "Ent's get energy from the sunlight" I told him, he let out a breath of laughter.

"You don't look like an Ent" he stated

"Don't I?" I countered and he shook his head

"Ent's tend to be more treeish" He countered back. I smiled

"Ent's look more treeish and Elves look more elvish. Who's to say Ent's can't look like Elves and Elves can't look like Ent's?" I ask opening my other eye.

I leant against the railings watching the tongues of gold lick through the gaps in the leaves leaving patterns on the ground "It beautiful isn't it?" I asked.

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