Chapter 1

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We arrived at Gravity Falls and see the Mystery Shack and a lot of people there. The bus doors open and we rush out. First Ford, then me, Mabel runs after me same with Waddles and Pacifica follows same with Stan.

Everyone is confused and why we are running. The Mystery Shack door swings open and Soos's girlfriend Melody jumps. "Soos their here!" She yells to get Soos to come out.

"Soos get are stuff from the bus we have to deal with something!" Soos then runs to the bus to get the luggage. "Quick Stan enter the code." Stan the enters the code into the vending machine and we head down to the basement.

We finally get to were the portal was and we started to scan my brain. "This can't be we killed Bill when we erased Stan's mind." Mabel said as she started to panic. I couldn't see my sister like this.

Pacifica walks over to me and hugs me. "Dipper I'm sacred." Then she lets go and I can tell she wass crying. Then she pointed to my pocket.

I reach into my pocket and see a envelope from her that says 'Open When Your Alone'.

Ford is starting to get mad at the machine because its unresponsive now. "There is no way this can be happening." He says as he walks away from the screen. Then all the TV's turn on and it all has Bill on it.

"Y'all think I could be destroyed that easily, I'm a inter-dimensional demon, I control EVERYTHING!" He says as he turns red.

I walk over the the biggest screen and just stand there. "How is this possible we erased you from excitons." I then look around and notice everyone is around me.

"Wow, so you think you erased me, HA funny because I wasn't in just Stans mind, I was in yours too!" He said looking me dead in the eye.

I start to back away from the screen and I bump into a wall. "No this can't be happening." I fell down to my knees and look down at the floor. "How come I didn't know." I cover my eyes and start to cry.

"Oh look your hero is on the floor crying like a baby what are y'all going to down."

Ford looks at me and the looks at Bill. "You listen here you freak, no one mess with my family at all!" He yells at Bill.

"Well I'll let y'all be before I kill all of you, ok bye." Then all the screens explode.

I get up and start to walk up to the attic. Are stuff is already up here with a note but I didn't bother reading it. I grabbed my stuff and started unpacking. Then I take off my hat and remember Wendy gave it to me before we left. I sighed and plopped on my bed and put my hands in my pocket, and I feel the envelope.

Someone knocked on the door and I jumped. "Dipper, Pacifica wants to talk to you." Mabel said, she didn't sound mad nor sad just worried.

"Let her in." The door opens and Pacifica walks in.

"Did you read the letter yet?" She asked kindly and also sounded more worried then Mabel.

I then open the envelope and grab the letter. It read: 'Dipper I have worried about you since the day you left. When you helped me to stop a curse on my family I couldn't stop thinking about how we hugged and all. And during Weirdmageddon I couldn't stop worrying about you. Also to be honest they didn't tell me to get on the bus, I did it by choice. What I'm trying to say is that I like you.'

"Pacifica why didn't you tell me then?" She looked down at the floor and sat next to me.

"I saw the way you looked and acted around Wendy, so I didn't say anything." She then started crying and leaded her head on my shoulder. "Also just finding out now that Bill is alive inside of your mind it just scares me."

Mabel then walks in and Pacifica jumps up and sits up straight. She did ask what was going on she just shut the door and started to unpack her stuff. Then she turns around and faces us. "Dipper what are we going to do, Bill is still alive and he may bring Weirdmageddon back?" I can tell she was scared by her voice. "What are we going to tell mom and dad if we have to erase your memories, 'Oh mom, dad Dipper lost his memories in fight for his life' they will kill us both if Bill doesn't" Then she starts crying.

"Mabel stop we can figure this out ok I ain't going to lose my memories because we've got each other, we defeated him 3 times so lets make it 4 time." I told her trying to cheer her up and luckily she stopped crying.

"Well Pacifica want to stay the night so that what way you could calm down?" I can't believe it Mabel asked Pacifica if she would like to stay the night.

Pacifica's eyes light up and knoded her head. "I don't mind sleeping on the floor."

Mabel looked surprised and then she smiled. She gave Pacifica some clothes, a blanket, and a pillow. I get up and finish unpacking and then Pacifica taps me on the back. "Dipper are you sacred of Bill?"

"Well I was his puppet once but I ain't scared of him no more." She shakes her head and heads to the bathroom and I lay down on my bed and I fall fast asleep.

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