Chapter 8

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-3 Weeks Later-

The sun rises up and I felt better then ever. Even though I was slammed and was thrown, and had pulses if electric through my body.

Mabel was still asleep, so I got up and run to take a shower, she doesn't like me walking around still. I got to the bathroom and shut the door. When I did I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a big scar on my cheek.
"Dipper are you in the bathroom?" Mabel asked I could tell she was mad. She hasn't been scared since there was no threat of Bill killing me anymore, even though he is still out there.

"Mabel its already been 3 weeks I'm fine." She still wanted to be sure because the doctor did say my scars can re-open.


When Mabel and I were done getting washed up and everything, everyone came in. Soos, Ford, Stan, Wendy, Melody, Fiddleford, and Pacifica.

Everyone was happy, I think it's because I finally can get out of here. Ford then looked at Fiddleford and they both nodded. "Everyone please wait outside." Ford asked and without question they all left except Ford and Fiddleford.

"Ok Dipper we actually made 8 more of these weapons" Ford then pulls out a bag that had the weapons that can erase Bill for good. "But when need to know it who will wield the 5 extra ones."

"Wait Soos, Wendy, Stan, Melody, and Pacifica can help with this." I said and Ford was shocked that he never realize it.

"Ok but we have to wait until Bill is at full power." Fiddleford said but I don't know why.

"Why do we have to wait until then?" I asked him and then he looks at Ford.

"Well since Ford weakened him, Bill won't show him self until he is at max power, and if he encounters on of use we can't defeat, we'll only make him angry." I nodded and then the doctor walks in.

He said I can leave now and go home. So I got up grabbed my stuff and walked out. Everyone was happy that I was going home.

We all walked out to Soos truck and we all hopped in. "Hey dudes, you won't believe what I did when y'all were gone." Soos says the Melody bumps him telling him don't say anything. It's been a long time since what happened at Fiddleford's. I think everyone already forgot except me.

Soos finally pulled up to the mystery shack, and everyone got off. Pacifica went with Mabel to her room. Soos, Melody, Wendy, and Stan went the gift shop. Then Fiddleford, Ford, and I went to the basement to so track down where Bill is.

Ford goes to where the portal to Bills dimensions, and I was surprised what I found there. It was a big screen that kept an eye on all the weirdness in Gravity Falls. "Dipper this is a machine as you kind of guess that keeps an eye on all the weirdness here."

I walk over to it and see all of the glowing red lights. Non of them were really big. "Is this going to help us find Bill?" I asked. Ford then pointed to a gold glowing dot that was almost covering 15 other dots. "So he is at the edge of Gravity Falls?"

Fiddleford walked next to me and handed me the weapon Ford used on Bill. "We are going to summon him Dipper." I backed up and fell silent.

I then started to remember what happen when he said that last time. I was thrown all over the place and electrocuted. "If we do, I want everyone down here so we can get him right here right now." I said and they both looked at each other.

Ford sighed and walked up to the gift shop and asked everyone to come down. Once everyone came down here, Fiddleford handed them the weapon. "Ok I wanted y'all here because we're going to summon Bill."

Mabel then gave me this face of disgust. "Why Dipper do you like to be tortured?" She sounded like she wanted to kill me.

"No, Mabel but it will be easier for us to defeat him now that he is weak." She then started to think and nodded.

Fiddleford started to summon him but I stopped him. "Everyone hold on to me, he will freeze everything that I'm not touching." Everyone then rapped their arms around me. Fiddleford then started to summon him.

He finsihed and time went still, and everything went gray. There was a golden light and then it got bright and then dimmed down. Then there he was Bill Chiper. "Oh look I'm actually at six-fingers lab." He started to look around and saw all of us. "Look here, Dipper is still alive" He said looking directly at me, then he looked at everyone else. "So y'all didn't freeze in time, HA surprising." He then snapped his finger and we all flow back.

I looked around and see everyone in pain, but for some reason I'm not in pain. "Bill, do you think I'm still your master or something?" I asked him.

He flew towards me and then sent a pulse of energy through me. "Oh, well you still can give me the command and I can start Weirdmageddon again."

When he was talking to me everyone ready their weapons at him ready to erase him. "So y'all want to erase me HA." He then lifts me up and sends an electric pulse through me.

I scream out loud and everyone started to pull the trigger but stopped. "DO IT NOW, WEAKEN HIM NOW!" I yelled but they didn't listen.

Bill then through me through the glass and I hit a control panel. "That's all I needed to hear." Bill said in a demonic voice and then sent an energy pulse through all of us. The next thing you know he teleports away and I hear him. "WEIRDMAGEDDON SHALL RETURN, AND THIS TIME I WON'T FELL!" He shouted and then the ground started to rumble. Its happening once more thanks to me again.

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