Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say thank you for reading my book and I hope you're enjoying it. Feel free to give me ideas for what I could do in the comments and I will do the best I can to use them in future chapters. Also, I'm really sorry it took so long to update For now I hope you enjoy this chapter of starch.


  Marco's POV:

I and Star were running towards the school when we heard the familiar voice of Ludo behind us. I gave an exhausted sigh and half-heartedly turned around to face him. Star was already in her fighting stance,"Look, we really don't have time for this. We have to get to school and the bells already rang, Come on. Can we just have a break one day."

Ludo gave a cackling laugh,"No I will not give you a ' break' as you call it. At least not until I get that wand and take over the universe."His voice gradually getting higher till it was like a screech that made me want to cover my ears and block it out. Dropping my bag behind me, I also got into my fighting stance and began to focus on taking Ludo done yet again and save Star's wand. 


The monsters surged forward with fire in their eyes, Me and Star waited which, always seemed to be our strategy without even asking each other in the first place. As the came towards us, I ducked a hit and came straight back with a kick to the face. He fell to the floor with a groan as another one came towards me. When I turned, I saw Star fighting a mutant lobster and giraffe using her usual narwhal blast to knock them to the ground. I smiled when I saw the massive grin on her face, a grin that only comes when she's with me or fighting monsters. It just made me want to try harder, to reach to be as good as her, but I probably never will be. 

I did a backflip off the tree into one their faces, seeing Ludo had a worried look on his face at how fast his monsters were going down. We both finished off the last monsters together and Star rounded on Ludo with a smug look on her face. I stood behind her with the same look on my face waiting for him to react to the situation. Ludo just stood there, frozen, looking gobsmacked at the scene. After he came to his senses, his look was replaced with anger."Stupid losers we almost had the wand again, but no because as usual, you idiots messed up. We were so close. I can't believe you people!"Ludo screamed at them while using his dimensional scissors to open a portal back to his dimension.

"Come on! Back through the portal, I can't believe I work with you people." Ludo seemed madder than usual, and he usually pretty mad at his workers. This got the cogs turning in my brain about how this could be a trap for something in the future. Once they were all through the portal and it had closed, I was going to tell Star about my theory when another bell from the school went off and the thought was blocked from my brain."Come on, Marco! Do you want to be later than we already are?" She yelled while running around the corner. I finally came back to earth and grabbed my bag from the bush I threw it in.

Today was going to be a long day.                      

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