Chapter 15

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Marco's POV:

After the bus ride was over and everyone was getting ready for the day of pure torture, Star and I were walking to our lockers to get ready for miss Skullnicks class. YAY!! So much fun, note the sarcasm.

Anyway, Star was a lot happier than she had been over the last couple of days, though she still had a look of worry in the back of her eyes. It must be that thing she's worried about, I was going to ask her again, but I remembered what she said about telling me if I didn't ask her what was wrong, so I held my tongue.

Star grabbed her books and had already begun walking to class before I caught up with her. "How, do you walk so fast?" I asked while panting for breath. Star giggled under her breath, but I still heard, it made me feel bubbly inside, for some reason.

"I had to keep up with my mother when she was taking me somewhere new, and she's the fastest walker I know. I guess it's a habit I can't shake, sorry for the concern." She replied with a smile on her face, a real one, one I hadn't seen for days.

"I missed that smile." I whispered and she turned on me with a perplexed look on her face, "What are you talking about, I've always had that smile unless you're a stupid person, safe kid."

I chuckled," I mean your real smile, you always smile with your eyes and your mouth, the last couple of days, you've only smile with your mouth. If that even makes any sense."

Star's POV:

"If that makes any sense." I sighed and thought, it should not be this easy to forgive him, I might have overreacted, but even if I did, it would be too late mother's sending some of the guards to get me and take me back to Mewni.

"It makes perfect sense, mainly cause I know you better than most people." I sincerely said. His eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement when I said that, and that made me happy. When we finally got to class, everyone looked at us when we walked through the door. I ended up with a red face and a really awkward silence with my bestie.

We started on the work Miss Skullnicks gave out, however, during class all I heard whispers about us, and whether we are together yet. I just wanted to scream that we'll ever be together because I'm leaving after school today, but I didn't want to upset Marco. 

So I held my tongue and struggled to keep my mouth shut the rest of class. Marco could, also, hear what everyone was saying, I know because, he looked ready to explode and his ears were redder than Ron Weasley. 

#It looked adorable, it was one of the many things I liked about Marco, without even trying, he always manages to make me happy. That was one of the things I was going to miss most about him when I left. He is the thing I'm going to miss most about Earth, Marco is the best thing to ever happen to me.

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