Final chapter p.2

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Star's POV:

What the hell just happened?

We were having a nice conversation (I can't really say normally because nothing about us is normal) and he asks that. I mean it was really cute about how nervous he was, but the whole of Mewni was after us and they wouldn't stop until they got us and if we went on a date we wouldn't really be thinking of that. For once my brain was actually thought about the risks, which was quite a surprise to me.

"Marco we can't, the whole Mewni guard is after us and they won't stop looking until they get us. We have to keep moving so they don't find us. I'm sorry, I would have loved to though." I softly smiled at him and he gave me a small smile back, but his eyes looked like he had turned into a lost puppy. I sighed and but my lip, Marco really wanted to go on a date and so did I. My own stupid mum was stopping us from having a proper relationship. This is soooooo unfair!!

The more I thought about it the angrier I got, nothing should be able to stop me from doing anything I wanna do. Even my own mother. Suddenly I didn't even care if the whole of Mewni was after me, I ran away for Marco. If we just hid and didn't do anything, that would defeat the whole purpose of why we ran. Someday we might be able to convince my parents it's not that bad but for now, we'll just have to enjoy it while we can.

"Ya know what Marco, let's do it. I want to and so do you and nobody, not even my stupid mother is going to stop us. What did you plan?"Marco turned bright red and I asked that and caused me to give a quick giggle before waiting for him to answer."Who said I planned it? Whats to say I'm, not as you would say 'winging it'?" 

I just raised an eyebrow," Marco Diaz you are the safe kid, you always have a plan and at least five backup plans in case the original doesn't work."I exclaimed and if possible he turned a brighter red and looked down at the ground in shame. I stared at him with a soft smile, he looked so adorable being all flustered. I walked over to him and hugged causing him to jump a bit, but after a moment he hugged back just as tight as I hugged him.

Marco mumbled something which I couldn't hear, "What, sorry you mumbled and I couldn't hear you, safe kid."I could hear the embarrassed smile when he said" I planned a picnic in that park you really liked yesterday. I thought we could go for a walk after and just talk. I thought it would be nice and calming."

I gave a small smile and thought about what he had suggested, yeah that would be nice to have a nice and calming afternoon for once." That sounds amazing Marco. I knew I loved you for a reason."

He leaned back and gave me a shy grin before letting go. I already missed his arms around me, why do I feel like I'm in a stupid mushy romantic book. Which, by the way, I would normally find stupid and go find the adventure books. They are the best!!!!

Anyways, Marco turned back around and tried to clean up my cooking disaster, which had ended up covering half the kitchen. I smiled at him cleaning up my mess, cause that's what he always does. I can't think of anybody on earth or mewni who I love and care about more. He's the best

Marco's POV:

A grin crossed my face as I took in what had just happened. THE Star Butterfly had just agreed to go on a date with me, and it was going to go perfectly. Hopefully, I mean it is us who knows what'll happen.

I mean if you had told me a month ago that I would be dating anybody, I would have just laughed at you. A happy sigh escaped my mouth as I continued to clean up the mess that Star had caused. Even if she can be a mess she's my mess

Time skip blast

After I and Star had both eaten and gotten dressed I began to make the food for our date later that day. I still can't believe she agreed. A smile graced my face as I began making my nachos because if I didn't I'm sure Star would kill me.

Star luckily was in the other room practicing magic so she didn't know what I was doing for our date. Hopefully, I should be finished with everything after the nachos and we'll be able to go.

Time skip blast

Star's POV:

"Narwhal blast!!" I shouted aiming at the wall focusing on how angry I was with my mother. The wall cracked as it was hit, and a small smile filled my face as the thought of how strong that spell was getting. And the fact that I and Marco would finally be going on a date after two weeks, I couldn't wait.

"Star, come on! I'm ready to leave if you've finished practicing." Marco shouted, causing me to smile a little wider if that was even possible. I rushed out of the room and tried to slow my steps.

I didn't particularly want Marco to see me fall over on our first date. Marco grinned as he saw me in my usual green dress, and devil horn headband. I grinned back, seeing that he was wearing his usual red hoodie, the only difference was he tried to make his hair less messy.

He leaned out his arm "Shall we?" He asked voice slightly shaky. My grin softened seeing how nervous he was, almost as much as me, and answered: "We shall." Butterflies filled my stomach conveniently, and I looped my arm around him and we walked out of the door.

This is it this is the end finally if you would like me to do a second book plz tell me because I have no idea, okay bye for now guys.

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