Chapter 17

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Marco's POV:

After I told Star how I felt about her, the look on her face was priceless. Her eyes were wide, and they had begun to sparkle like diamonds. Also, Star's jaw had dropped, she looked adorable like that, and I wasn't afraid to admit it anymore. I didn't tell her that though, I was waiting for her to recover from the shock.

It took. around, five minutes for Star to realize what I have said fully, "WHAT?!" She screamed right in my face, I managed to stop myself from laughing as much as I wanted to. I still laughed a lot though, she just looked so confused.

Star waited until I stopped to ask again, "What are you talking about? Why would you love a loser like me? There are lots of other girls in the world, why me?" I looked at her, perplexed on why she would think those things.

"Star isn't it obvious, you are the most perfectly imperfect girl I know, and I definitely wouldn't change that. I would choose you over anyone, even Jackie. And you are NOT a loser, you are different, but it's a good difference. You're everything to me, I can't lose you. I mean what I said, I love you and I always will."

She continued to look at me like this was all a dream, I just sighed and pulled her close to me, after a moment or two she began to hug back, but a lot tighter than normal. "I missed this more than I should have." She whispered. I replied, "Me too." Then I hugged her tighter as if she would run away if I let her go.

Star's POV:

"Me too." Marco then hugged me tighter than he ever had before. I closed my eyes in complete bliss. This was the main thing I missed about ignoring Marco. His warm comforting hugs, they were just the best.

When a few minutes had passed, I remembered something. "Marco, I'm supposed to go back to Mewni, and my mother won't change her mind, even if I tell her what happened. Then I won't be able to see you ever again." I explained, Marco sighed and started to lean back. He still held my waist as he spoke to me.

"Star, we have to think of a way to fix this. You can't go back to Mewni, not now. I just told you how I felt. I can't lose you."

"I know, but what can we do we're just teenagers, with no clue what's gonna happen to us. What can we do to change any of this?"I asked in confusion. Marco thought about it for a few minutes, then he looked up at me with an uncertain smile, as if there was nothing else he could think of.

"There's only one solution to make sure your mum won't take you away. We'll have to run." I stared at him in shock.

"But you're the safe kid, you would never think of something like this, not even in a desperate situation," I replied, he looked at me with hope and worry in his eyes. Marco sighed and looked down again.

"I know, but it's the only way I can think of to not lose you forever. As long as I'm with you it doesn't matter where I am. I just need you."

I hugged him, tightly, again and he hugged me back just as tightly. We stayed like that for a few minutes. This time I was the one to pull back. "Okay let's do this."

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