Chapter 5

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Star's POV:

We both stayed behind after class to hear what Miss Skullnicks had to say to us. At first, she didn't speak to us at all, just stared at us in disapproval, which reminded me of my mother whenever she messed up. I shivered from the memory and looked over at Marco, who looked about ready to faint. I giggled quietly at his silliness and noticed that he also looked deep in thought.

I began to wonder what he was thinking about, was it me. Whoa! Where did that thought come from. He's your bestie Star not someone like Oskar. Then again I hadn't been thinking of Oskar at all today like I normally did. Maybe I got over him, it wasn't like he would ever like me anyway, it was probably for the best. I looked over at Marco again to see that he was, also, looking at me. We both flushed a deep red and looked away back out the window. Why would he be looking at me like that unless he knew that i might like him! OMG!! I'm so stupid! What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore.

I shook the thoughts from my head and focused out the window again, my mind brought me back to just now, when Marco had blushed. He'd looked too adorable, okay, I'm ready to admit it now. I had a huge crush on MARCO!!! MY BESTIE!!!!

But I couldn't help it. He'd always been there for me, even when we were fighting he was always by my side. I loved the way his eyes lit up when he had an idea, the way that he hated being called the safe kid, but let me call him it anyway. I guess I always liked him, I would rather have in my life as a friend then nothing at all. I couldn't think of a life without him now. 

After I admitted it to myself, my face heated up soo bad it was like I had a fever. "Star a-are you o-okay?" Marco asked his face covered with concern. I melted on the inside and tried very hard not to blush even more than I already was. He was still stuttering, IT WAS ADORABLE!! I had to stop myself from squealing. "I'm fine Marco, just a little embarrassed that I got us into this mess. If I hadn't of tripped I wouldn't have made up late and get detention, I'm sorry." I quickly whispered still avoiding eye contact.

"Star it's okay. If I had let you fall your pretty face would have gotten messed up and it was only for a race anyway, feel better now?" I felt so much better, Marco thought I was pretty. I was having a mental dance party when Miss Skullnicks decided to speak to us." You are to have detention after school for two hours, and if you miss it you will have double. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes, Miss Skullnicks." We both said in unison.

"Good, now got to your next class, I've written you noted for why you were late so you won't get another detention and miss mine. Now get out of my sight!!!!" I and Marco both ran out of the class in fear, but I had a small smile on my face, I had a whole two hours with Marco to myself. This was going to be the BEST DAY EVER!!!!"


Miss Skullnicks POV: ( Bet you weren't expecting that)

I shook my head. I couldn't believe that those two weren't dating yet. They were perfect together, they got along better than me and my ex that left me at the dock. I was so glad that they were at least best friends, they deserved each other and I hope that one day they realized that they were meant to be, then I can celebrate my ship sailing into the sunset into there happily ever after.

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