Chapter 13

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Marco's POV:

After I came out of my trance, I went back to my room to go and get dressed. I managed to find another one of my red hoodies and then get my usual outfit together. Then I went downstairs to see that Star was sitting with the correct posture and with one of her legs tucked behind the other.

This was definitely not the Star I knew and loved when I recovered from my shock I got some cereal and sat down beside her. I carried on thinking about what could have caused her to do this.

Whenever she was sad before, she would just usually want to be alone, then she would go back to her beautiful bubbly self, with a huge smile on her face. I sighed mentally, I wished she would just tell me what was wrong, I would help her as much as I can.

Star stayed silent during the whole time we were eating. The more this went on the worse I felt. All I want is my best friend back.

Star's POV

When Marco wasn't looking, I kept glancing in his direction. He looked lost like he'd lost everything, it was killing me on the inside. I couldn't let him know what was wrong though. If I did he would never want to see me again. Why would he ever love someone as weird as me?

As soon as I finished, I got up and put my bowl in the sink as a princess would do to be polite. Acting like this was, another, thing killing me from the inside. I wouldn't be able to carry on like this for long if Marco kept acting like this.

I went straight back upstairs, grabbed my backpack and purse that I put my wand in for safe keeping. It took all my strength not to burst into tears and just tell him what was going on. My life would be, so much easier if I had never met Marco. Then he would never have been in this crazy mess, and he could have lived a normal life.

Marco's POV:

When Star finished eating, she politely put her bowl in the sink and, then gracefully walked back to her room to get her stuff for school, as the bus would be here in five minutes. I went to grab my bag as well. I am "the safe kid" for a reason.

I came straight back downstairs when I got my worn out the backpack and saw that Star was sitting on the sofa, with perfect posture, and one leg tucked behind the other.

I heard the familiar beep outside the house and opened the door like I always did. Instead of just skipping past like always, she spoke before she left. "Thank you, and I don't just mean the door." She whispered and then carried on towards the bus doors.

I was left there standing in confusion, what Star had said made no sense, whatsoever. After contemplating what she whispered, I walked to the bus myself, just as the driver was about to close the doors.

I still had the confused look on my face, but inside I was determined to find out what she meant and make her feel better, whatever it takes.

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