Chapter 12

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Star's POV:

As soon as Marco left my room, I collapsed on my bed and just thought about my day. It started off completely normal, well, as normal as you can get for me. Anyway, then I realized that I loved Marco from the beginning. Then we were both late for class and got a detention, and after that found out that nearly the entire class ship us.

Wow! Life really is crazy. I got dressed in my pj's and got under my covers. My last thought before I fell asleep, was of how Marco was going to make it up to me. It was probably going to be big by the look on his face.

With that, I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. 

Marco's POV:

I went to my room and closed my door. However, instead of going to sleep, I stayed up planning mine and Star's picnic. It was going to be perfect because she really deserved it. After listing everything I needed, I checked the time and saw that it was three in the morning. 

If I didn't get to sleep soon, I would be late to school for oversleeping. Not letting that happen, so I got ready for bed. I, then, got under the covers. My last thought was of Star and how the picnic was going to be perfect. Also, I really wanted to impress her, and I was going to help her, and me, in any way I can.

I closed my eyes with that thought and fell into a comfortable sleep.

Time skip blast     

The next morning I woke up without any noise, this was concerning. When I woke up, Star was ALWAYS making noise, it's just who she is. I checked what the time was, and sighed in relief, I still had another hour until school. 

Then I slowly got out of bed and went to check on Star. As I went to open the door, it flew open and Star stood in the doorway, the picture of elegance and grace, not Star whatsoever. Again, my jaw dropped. Star was wearing a beautiful dress, it poofed out a little on the skirt, and it was a light blue to match her eyes. It came to just above her knees and she looked absolutely beautiful.

Star barely noticed I was there, however, and walked straight past me to go downstairs. I continued to stand there, with my mouth still wide open. She looked amazing, but the Star I knew would hardly ever wear sparkly dresses.

Star's POV:

When I opened my door this morning, Marco was already there I was just about to wake him up like I always did, just not in a crazy way. Instead, of showing how embarrassed I was, I  decided to ignore him and walk straight downstairs.

After I checked behind me to make sure he didn't follow me, when he didn't, I breathed a sigh of relief and tried not to burst into tears. I know he didn't mean to hurt me or break my heart, it's just, I really love him, even though it's only been a day, and I never expected him to say that. 

It hurts to even look at him, my heart just aches until it's too much to bear. 

Sorry for the long wait I was very busy deciding whether to end the book soon and do a sequel. Please comment on if you do and I'll try to do it ASAP okay. Thanks for being the best readers any author could ask for. 

Cherry Mallow-feather.

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