Chapter 21

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Marco's POV:

I had started to lean in and so had Star. I was so nervous, I was about to have my first kiss and me had no idea what to do. Just when our lips were millimeters apart a huge bang was heard from downstairs, Star and I jumped back from each other.

I mentally facepalmed myself for about the millionth time that day. Soon after you could hear my parents talking to someone who I didn't recognize. Star, however, looked like her entire world was about to collapse.

"Marco, go to your room and pack down stuff if you really want to do this, okay?" Star whispered to me. I looked at her confused, wondering why she was so worried. Then I realized it was probably her parents.

I nodded, and ran quietly towards my room, praying to god that Star's parents couldn't hear me. As soon as I reached my room, I closed the door behind me grabbed a bag and started packing only the main things we would need.

I couldn't wait to get away from everything and just be with Star she was my princess, and I would never give up on her, no matter what happened, I would always be by her side.

Star's POV:

As soon as Marco left the room I started to pack while having a full-blown panic attack. I didn't realize that my mother would be here so soon. Marco was probably so confused right now.

I packed anything I thought would be useful. Which, to me was pretty much anything that was close to me. I got everything I told the bag, but when I went to close it the zip wouldn't go all the way around.

Then I realized that I hadn't even bothered to pack everything so it could fit. I sighed and quickly took it all out again, and started repacking it, but this time without the thoughtlessness.

By this time Marco was back in my room and began to help me. He didn't ask me why I freaked like that, but I think he managed to guess.

Anyway after everything head packed and the bag was closed, I started looking around for my dimensional scissors. I think I lost them a couple of weeks ago in my room, but it's me so it's impossible to know for sure.

When I had found them I almost screamed. " Marco I've found them." I eventually whispered after calming down a little. He gave me a thumbs up and a huge a smile, which was so cute that I had to return it.

Marco blushed a shade of pink and I smirked. "Star, come on. Your parents are coming up the stairs to get you right now. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and my scissors.

"Marco, come on where's your stuff, cause if we're doing this we've gotta go now," I whispered, yet again, over to him.

Marco's face dropped and, so did mine realizing why. He'd left his stuff in his room to come and check on me, idiot, but he's my idiot.

He ran off to grab his bag, and through all this, I could hear the steps getting closer and closer, and in my mind, I was begging for Marco to hurry up. I sat down on my bed as Marco was taking forever.

When he finally came back, it was like the steps were at the door and time froze. After Marco was beside me I got up and ready with the scissors.

"Ready?" I asked just making sure, he wasn't going to regret this. The door burst open and I could see my mother and father begin to realize what was happening.

"Ready," Marco replied and I cut open the portal to a different dimension. "Then let's go." We both grabbed our stuff and ran through the portal and we didn't even look back.

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