Chapter 9

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Star's POV:

As we were walking home, Marco was still deep in thought so I just asked him," Marco... what the heck are you thinking about!?" I screamed at him to bring back into the real world. When he looked over at me to reply, a red blush crossed his cheek and he couldn't form any kind of words. This made me blush and I couldn't speak to him. 

We carried on walking in silence, " I...." We both said at the same time, Marco's face was so funny it was hard not to burst out laughing right there. It was just so adorable, another reason why he was the best, he always made me laugh, even if it was just a little laugh.

 After trying to hold it in for about two minutes, I couldn't take it I just laughed and I didn't stop. Marco looked at me like I was crazy, then he started laughing as well. I secretly smiled when I finally stopped laughing. 

He was just adorable when he's happy, I wished I could make him feel that happy. We carried on waking, but now with just completely random convos, like we normally do. " Marco, are we still gonna have our movie night, right?" I asked in case he was still uncomfortable with what happened in science. 

"Yes, I'm not going to let thins change between us just because of people at school. W have a great friendship why wreck it." He replied with conviction, almost trying to convince himself as well as me. This made wonder if he didn't want to be friends anymore because of what happened.   

This is killing me!!! WHY IS LOVE SOOOOO HARD!!!

Marco's POV:

Star was really sad after I said that, I thought it was because she wanted me to say something different, but I shook it off, knowing I said the right thing. Is love always this hard!!! Star didn't want to talk much after that, so I only really asked her if she was okay, or if she wanted anything for the movie night.

I stopped once we finally reached the house and I then went upstairs to go over what happened today in my head.

# 1: Star tripped and I caught her. This caused me to realize I loved her.

#2: This made us late for class and get detention.

#3: Then we found out nearly everyone shipped us together.

I shook my head in disbelief and got out my homework to do, being the safe kid I am. Maybe it will get my mind off Star. 

Yeah, it didn't help whatsoever, I can't get her out of my mind. I guess that's what happens when you're in love for the first time. I really tried to focus on my homework but I couldn't. Star was all I could think about, I was worried about her, I mean she's never acted this way before ever, She's probably really upset. I should go talk to her. 

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