Chapter 16

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Marco's POV:

During class, Star seemed to get more upset as the bell for the end of the day come closer. I wanted to help, but I knew she was serious about that deal, and I didn't want to ruin it. When the bell went for the end of the day, Star had no sparkle in her eyes and she was looking down.

"Star what's wrong? You look worse than you did over the last couple of days, also, as school is, finally, over can you please tell me?" I questioned, ready to hear if this was all my fault. Star sighed, and looked up at me, she wasn't smiling and I think all she wanted to do was run away right now.

It was killing me on the inside, but I needed to know. I wanted to help Star, and if she didn't tell me how she could tell me when we went on our picnic later this evening. I couldn't wait. 

Star stayed silent, debating what she was going to tell me" I...I will tell you when I get home. I need some time to think how I'm going to explain it, okay?" he asked which surprised me, Star always had an answer for everything. No matter, how hard to explain. Something must seriously be wrong, and I'm gonna figure out what.

Star's POV:

Marco was really worried about me, it made me so happy, but so upset at the same time. I mean, I'm going to be leaving as soon as mother decides to send some of the guards to come and get me. After that, I won't be able to come back, ever. So when I leave today, I'll be saying goodbye for good.

I will miss him so much, but it's for the best, Marco won't be having a weird life anymore and he can go straight back to normal as if I had never existed. It will destroy me on the inside, but Marco will be happier for it. 

"Are you sure? You look like you need to talk about it now, just the two of us. Please, Star I want to help you." Marco pleaded with me trying to get me to budge on my decision. I sighed and finally told him the truth.

"Marco, it's just that I'm going back to Mewni, because of something that you said. When you said about us having a great friendship, why wreck it. It made me realize that I had no chance of having my happy ending, not when I don't have a chance with you. I...I love you Marco Diaz, and I always will. I going back to Mewni, cause I don't want to ruin our friendship." 

Marco looked as surprised as I felt, I told him at the very least, I was honest in our friendship and that was what mattered. Tears started to form in my eyes. I ran, ran as fast as I could, I needed to be alone before I went home. 

"Star wait!!!!" I heard, but I didn't stop, not until I reached the park, then I cried my eyes out and laid down by the biggest tree there so no one would see me.

Marco's POV:

"Star wait!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. Star didn't stop she just kept running, luckily I knew all the places that Star was likely to go, and the first place was the park. She loved it there, and it was the one place she likes to be alone.

I ran after her, as fast as my feet would carry me. The gate to the park was open and it was abandoned, that proved Star was here. For some reason, whenever we came to the park, all the people there would leave.

 I went to all the trees there, Star loved to lay under them and just look at the clouds. I was beginning to lose hope, then I remembered, that I hadn't looked at the big tree yet. I ran towards it and there she was. Just laying there crying her eyes out. It was killing me on the inside.

"Star, why did you run off? You didn't even let me reply to what you said." Star looked up at me, with a shocked look in her eyes.

"I ran off because I thought your answer was obvious, you didn't like me in the same way, and even if you did it wouldn't matter cause I have to leave for Mewni anyway, I haven't got a chance in hell."

"Star, you shouldn't be thinking that way, you are the future queen of Mewni, and you're supposed to be strong, and positive. That's one of the many reasons I love you, and I don't mean it in a friendly way."


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