Chapter 4

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I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has ever read my books and carried on reading them. You mean a lot to me as nobody except  AveryJ34 and she always believed in me and wanted me to do this so thank you and enjoy the chapter.


Marco's POV:

We both untangled ourselves from that awkward situation, I tried really hard to act normally after how close we were, but I couldn't look her in the eyes. I was scared that if I did she would realize that I liked her in that way. Which I actually could do, because while I was lost in her eyes she seemed to be really uncomfortable with what I was doing.I'm such an idiot, but I couldn't help it, her eyes were so beautiful like a mid-summer sky. No Marco, you can't be thinking like that, she's your best friend.

I shook it off before Star noticed and shot her a big smile."Come on. L-let's get to c-class." I stuttered and mentally face-palmed myself. She the same big smile back but with more, uncertainty."S-sure wouldn't w-want to be l-late, would we?" Star also stuttered, and half giggled, obviously creeped out by all my staring. I mentally face-palmed again and lead the way to class, as Star was a little shaken up by almost falling on her face.

At least I was there to catch her and be her knight in shining armor, not Tom who was such an idiot that he would probably burn the whole world trying to get Star. Seriously, I've got to stop thinking like that, if this carried on and I actually grew feelings for Star, it would probably ruin our friendship. I would rather be in her life as a friend then nothing at all.

When we finally reached our class, we were an hour late and everyone laughed Star and me, even Jackie Lynn Thomas, which hurt a little but not as much as I thought it would. I guess I'm over her, it took eight years but I'm finally over her. 

Maybe it's for the best, I mean she would never like me anyway. I looked around at Star to see that she was almost in tears. I felt so angry to see her upset, all I wanted to do was bring her close and tell her it would be okay. I resisted because I didn't want to make it worse, Star face had also turned red from embarrassment, and that made it harder to resist. 

We both took the walk of shame over to our seats and looked at the ground, waiting for miss Skulsnick (Is that how you spell her name I have no idea) to give us detention for about two hours since we were an hour late. She, however, only sad "I will speak to you after class and went straight back to teaching everyone in the same horrible manner. Me and Star both looked up in surprise at our luck. Star's adorable smile was back on her face and when she looked at me her eyes sparkled like the night sky. Maybe getting over Jackie was for the best, just maybe.

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