Final chapter p.1

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*time skip blast*

Marco's POV:

A breeze fluttered through the open window, waking me up even though I refused to open my eyes for at least five minutes. The reason I didn't want to wake up is mainly that I'm so nervous about the plans I made for me and Star and whether she'll actually to them.

After I, finally, gathered the courage to get out of bed and get it over and done with. If she said no because of the circumstances then, yeah I would be hurt, but I would understand. I mean we just basically made both of our parents hate us in one go and became traitors to the kingdom of Mewni. Well with Star around at least it'll never be boring.

I walked towards the living room in the hotel we were staying at in one of the dimensions, but other than that I have no clue. Star probably forgot to tell because she was way too excited, for putting a target on her head. This isn't even the first dimension we've stayed in, we've moved about every 2 days cause Mewni guards keep turning up looking for Star.

Anyway, back to the present. I was walking into that area when I heard a large crash that knocked all the tiredness out of me. I don't think I've ever run so fast in my life.

"STAR!! Are you okay!?" I yelled and I only got a sigh in reply when I reached the kitchen door. When I walked into the room I saw Star and a lot of smoke. I shook my head once I realized what was going on. Obviously, magical princesses from other dimensions are not made for cooking breakfast.

Star looked ready to explode, her face was all red and she looked adorable cause she'd puffed out her cheeks in frustration. I don't think she heard me over the bang, as she was in her own little world.

"Now it'll take me forever to make breakfast for me and Marco. I wanna do this without magic to show how much I care about him, and how sorry I am for dragging him into this, but I can't do anything without magic. It's not fair." She mumbled under her breath.

I just smiled and walked into the room and began to speak." I already know how much you care and I got myself in this situation, so there's no need to say sorry. It's okay Star you don't have to do anything for me." She jumped when I started speaking which caused me to laugh.

As she turned to me she was giving me a death glare but then her eyes softened. "Are you sure?" She questioned, her eyes showing concern and how sorry she was.

"Yeah, I'm sure..."I replied, deliberately hoping she would ask why I just let the conversation rest there. Like I wanted, her eyes turned back to the questioning eyes that I love so much. "What? What's wrong? Is there anything I can do?" She asked yet again causing me to kinda smile cause she's like a little kid when she does that.

With my smile beginning to fade with the nervousness overpowering it,"I-I guess I can the-think of one thing you could do f-for me." I stammered beginning to change my mind completely. Her eyes filled with so much hope, that I couldn't just stop. "What is it, Marco? Just say the word and it'll be done." She almost answered immediately, giving me more confidence to do what I wanted.

"S-star Butterfly of M-mewni, will you go on a dd-date with me l-later t-today?"

Star's POV:

What the hell just happened?

Hey guys, I am so so so sorry for the long wait, my computer got a huge virus that took forever to fix, plus I wanted the chapter to be my best so far, so please tell me any mistakes I made and I will be writing the very last chapter ASAP and then moving onto the second. Hope you enjoy!

Cherry Mallow-Feather

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