Chapter 13

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I inhaled Anne's scent sharply as I smiled sleepily to myself, my eyes were still closed.

Oh! I have never been so free, satisfied and happy in so many years!

I felt as if a heavy burden was taken out off shoulders.


I have never felt like this after bedding a lady before
With eyes still closed, I turned to my side, facing her. The thought of Anne was making me want her so badly allover again.

Oh! I really Don't want this moment to end

I reached out blindly to tug her close to me, but i felt the bed empty.
I felt the bed again, my fingers ruffling the sheets.

"Anne?" Opening my eyes slowly, I glanced around the room, she was not there.
I caught sight of the clock 6:30am

"Shit!" I swore, jumping out of bed, our flight to Canada was by 8:00 this morning.

What the hell made me wake up this late?

I cursed again as I picked up my cloths and dressed, running a hand involuntarily through my hair as I left the room.

"We will be leaving soon Anne, our flight is by......." I halted, she wasn't in the living room.

"Anne, dear, where are you?" I moved into the kitchen, she wasn't there too.

My heart fell to my stomach in disappointment and then in fear that she might have gone.......

No, that's not possible, the door was personally locked by me last night.

I rushed to the bathroom, I held by breath as I opened the door slowly.

It was empty.

I immediately reached for the key in my pocket and that wasn't there either.

she's gone!

The thought struck me and brought both pain and fear to my chest.

Why would she leave me, After such intimacy we shared last night?
For Christ sake! I gave her my word that I wouldn't leave her alone in Canada until it is proven that John is her father!
Why the hell did she have to leave?
Where did she go?
She has no money to take her by bus or for her to feed herself
And her fucking house is 14km from here!
Does she even know her way back?

Different thoughts and questions raced through my head as I paced the living room.

Is she wandering around the streets begging?

I shook my head, Anne can't do that, she has much pride

What if she falls into bad hands?
What if she get raped or......
Oh! No! Bryan stop this!
She couldn't have gone far

I hurriedly went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I washed my face and combed my hair before grabbing my car keys and dashed out of the apartment.

I was in the elevator when my cell phone rang, I stared at the caller ID

"Damn!" I cursed

It was John.

"Hello.......?" I started, trying to keep my voiced leveled, before I was interrupted

"Mr Scott, what the hell is happening? Don't tell me you haven't gotten her, its been over a week now since we gave you this job, what the fuck is delaying you over there?"

John's loud and though voice boomed into my ears, almost blocking them.

"I have gotten her and we will be coming over today, calm down,you seem to be in a very hot temper this morning, do you miss your daughter that much?" I asked, climbing out of the elevator and heading out to where my car was parked.

"Oh! yes" his voice immediately softened "I miss my daughter so much and I can't wait to see her" I thought I heard laughter in his voice but I wasn't sure.

"Very well then, I assure you that we would be back today" I entered my car

"When is your flight?"


"8:00!!" He exclaimed, the anger was back to his voice

"Any problem?"

"Um... No, it just a bit late, I will call you back later" and then he hanged up.

I stared at my cell phone for a moment

Did he just say 8:00 in the morning is late?
why was he sounding so eager to get Anne?
And why the fuck was he angry?

The questions remained unanswered as I pulled out of the parking lot and drove into the streets to begin my search for Anne

And I was determined to find her in time for our flight, even if it meant to bundle her and put her in the plane.



Williams hanged up and hit his fits angrily on the dinning table causing Tom the manager, to jump in fright.

"Damn you Bryan! Damn you!" He barked. His loud voice echoed through the almost empty house they had rented, his face growing red with anger, his hands still balled into a fist.

A clap of Thunder strikes from outside, through the dark clouds and the wind blew heavily into the house raising dust from the ground and causing documents on the dining table to scatter

Tom quickly arranged the document back in place before turning to Williams "what is it Will? What did he say?"

Williams paced around thoughtfully "its up to a week now and he is just bringing the girl today, and their fucking flight is a whole two hours from now!"

"Let's calm down Will, it wont take them long to reach here"

"Today is the day, have you forgotten Tom? The dealer would be here by 2pm, and I want to have her to my self for sometime before we hand her over to the dealer"

Tom raised a brow "Don't tell me you still want to rape her"

Williams stopped pacing and turned instantly to look at Tom as if he had grown horns "it seems you have forgotten everything all of a sudden, you have forgotten what her father did to us, we don't know where he is but we found his useless daughter that he gave up, and we vowed to make her pay"

Tom's face turned red with anger as he remembered the past. "You are right, she is going to pay for her father's past! She will pay for every damn thing!!" Tom barked

Another Thunder strikes, followed by lightning and a heavy downpour of rain

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