Chapter 24

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"You are shaking" I heard Bryan say from beside me "are you cold"

If only he knew why I was shaking

"Am not cold"

"Did I stress you too much" he said with a smirk

I laughed "not really"  we were still on bed, naked and too tired to get up, I rested my head on his arm careful not to hit his injury.

"Do you need anything?" He stroked my hair

"I'm fine, how's your arm ?"

"Getting better I guess, it doesn't hurt as much as before"

I nodded. We lay there silently for a while, I couldn't think of anywhere else I would want to be. I trailed my fingers from his chest down to his lower abdomen, playing with the little hairs there, I felt him tense when my fingers went lower

"Anne, d-don't start what you can't finish" he said between clenched teeth.

Ignoring him I kept touching him all over, I wanted to feel every part of him, get familiar with every part of his body, until my fingers touch a rough part at his thigh , I lifted my head to look and saw it was the scar I asked about the last time.


"Hmm?" His eyes were closed

"You haven't told me about this, what scar is it ?"

His eyes flew open as he sat up, his expression changed, he looked dejected "it's a bullet scar"

I gasped "what happened Bryan , how come?!"

He ran a hand through his hair "It's been a while , I was trying to rescue my sister from being raped, and they shot me"

I was bewildered, i couldn't speak, how would he have felt, my mind tried to picture a little boy trying to help his baby sister and being shot in the process, it was too heartbreaking.

"I'm so sorry Bryan" I place my hand on his "what about your parent, weren't they home?"

"They are both dead, died in a car accident" the way he rubbed his forehead I just knew he didn't like thinking or talking about it.

"I-I'm sorry I- shouldn't have brought it up

"It's fine" he forced a smile.

But i knew it wasn't. Just then he pinched the bridge of his nose quickly, wincing

"What is wrong? Are you okay?" I asked looking scared
He didn't talk, he suddenly looked pale and kept holding his nose tightly closing his eyes.

What's going on with him, this has happened before

And I remembered he got better then with a cup of water, I got up and rushed to the kitchen to get him water, he collected and drank it way too quickly. Within minutes he was looking better, his hand left his nose and he raised his head.

"What was that Bryan , I have seen this happen before, tell me, are you sick ?"

He hesitated. Deciding whether to tell me or not.
I collected the cup from him placed it on the table before sitting close to him, tiny sweats appeared on his forehead and i dapped them with my hands

"Bryan you can tell me anything, trust me I'm here for you "

"I know" he hesitated again "it's- it's just hard to say"

"Ok it's fine. I understand if you can't say it"  I got up "I will make you lunch, rest a bit"

But before I could leave he grabbed my hand "no I want to tell you, I-I don't want to hide anything from you" 
I stared at him "are you sure?"
He nodded and I sat back down .

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