Chapter 14

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Anne POV

It was getting brighter and I could see more clearly, I was getting tired of the race and my legs were getting weak. I had no idea what time it was but I had a feeling that Bryan would be looking for me, I looked back for the 99th time this morning but saw no signs of Bryan nor his car.

Still feeling sore from last night encounter, i stopped running and began walking as fast as I could manage, I was far from the hotel but I had these sensations that someone was watching me, and I turned back again, I saw no signs of him.

I was walking along the road not knowing where I was going but I wanted to get as far away from the hotel as possible before I think of how to get home. The road was busy and noisy this morning, men and women rushing to their place of work, children going to school, car horns coming from different directions.

The sensations came again, making me feel uncomfortable, I dashed into a corner leading to the streets with full force running into a man in the process and sending the papers he was carrying crumbling to the ground.

"Hey!" He screamed on top of his lungs "Dont you watch your front?"

"Am so sorry sir, am sorry" i muttered bending down to pick up the papers.

I gathered the papers neatly, handing it over to him, he grabbed them from my hands, muttered something unintelligible and left.

I continued my race, the street I entered was a bit isolated and I ran till my legs could no more carry me, then I decided to stop and take a short rest

I sat under a tree to catch my breath. As I rested, memories of Bryan and our lovemaking came to my mind, I was missing him already but I couldn't risk going to Canada.

Damn him! Why couldn't he just believe me? Why couldn't he take me back to my parent? Am sure he must be so happy after using me last night!

I waited for regret to wash over me, but it didn't come

Bastard!! I hate him!

A small voice laughed at me

You know that's not true, Dont forget you enjoyed it as much as he did

That was painfully true, I enjoyed it actually, but I don't know what is next, I don't think Bryan is the kind of guy that goes into serious relationships,and am desperately falling for him.

Well, Since I have run away, I won't ever see him again and that will help my feelings fade away.

I must have fallen asleep because i felt someone shaking me and begging me to wake up, the voice sounded distant at first then suddenly familiar, I opened my eyes to see the last person I expected to see.

"Wake up Anne" Bryan said, shaking me.

"What a-are you......"

"Why did you leave me? Just like that?" There was a hint of anger in his voice.

I felt my own anger rising and I jerked my hand away from him "what do you mean 'just like that'? Why wont i leave?you planed to used me yesterday and still take me to Canada, am sure you must be happy your first plan was accomplished but let me make it clear that your second plan won't !"

"Damn it Anne!" He said raising up "I didn't use you" he ran his hands on his hair and continued "I have never felt what I felt with you yesterday before, believe me, and about taking you to Canada, I promised you that I won't leave until it is proven that he is your father, if he is not, I will take you back to where I took you from, now let's go, we have to catch up with our flight"

I wont follow him, I wasn't going to take that risk, I stood up to face him "you didn't use me? So what next between me and you?"

"I know whats on your mind Anne, but -am n-not sure I can do it, I have never seriously dated anyone, but I want to protect you Anne, I......"

"I Dont need your damn protection! Leave me alone! Go to hell Bryan!" I turned away and ran as fast as I could, tears blinding my vision but I kept on running.

"Anne, Wait!" I knew he was running after me

I increased my pace, I ran back to the road, the tears were pouring out and I didn't see the car speeding towards me.

Everything happened so fast that I didn't get a chance to think. All of a sudden, a car hit me with full force, I felt my body hit the floor, followed by a sharp pain in my head that made me scream. I heard voices of people shouting.

The last thing I heard was Bryan screaming my name from a distance and then the voices faded slowly away until everywhere was silent.

And then everywhere suddenly became black.

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