Chapter 29

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Anger pulsed through my veins, it was all I could do not to hurl my phone across the wall. The pictures jack sent to the phone  kept staring back at me as I sat in my study thinking of what to do next. 

It's been 3 days since I found out about this, 3 fucking days! and the fury was still fresh and burning. I have been in my study and haven't seen Anne since we had dinner together that night. I left the table abruptly and locked myself in my study, and I'm going to stay here till I think of a perfect revenge plan

I heard a knock on the door.

"It's Alex sir"


"About the information you asked"  I got up to unlock the door, letting him in.  He handed me a large brown envelope as I sat down.

"This is every single details about Williams and Tom"  

I nodded "good work Alex" he turned to leave, Jack didn't tell me much, just that they were loan sharks and my parent refused to pay the huge interest they added to the loan they got from them and were killed because of that. I clutched my jaw as I started to open the envelope.

Alex got to the door and turned back to me "emm sir , Miss Anne keeps asking of you"

I looked up "and what did you tell her?"

"You are busy in your study and needs sometime alone"

"Alright, tell her I will see her in the evening"

"Ok sir" and he left

I opened the envelope and took my time to go through the whole papers.

Williams is Tom elder brother, he is the owner of kingstone mines but gave his brother to manage it, he has other illegal businesses around town. He lends money to people with huge amount of interest that accumulates daily and if they aren't able to pay it he takes their properties and destroy their families, killing them if necessary.

That might be the reason they are after Anne

Her parent might have lent some money too but I can't be so sure. I checked the list of lenders and saw my parent name but I couldn't find Anne's family name. It was a long list, those that were dead are written in red, those that have paid part of their debt were written in green and those that have cleared there debt were written in blue.

I went through the other documents and saw that they were three in the business the other man was named John. There was no information about him only that he no longer work with them and was missing. I wasn't curious about that, all I wanted to do was to find out if all this was connected to Anne.

The rest of the papers contained all their personal informations, their house address and the address to their three hide outs.

I will get those men and kill them with my bare hands

I stood up and sent Alex a message to come into the study, before arranging the papers and placed them back.

Alex knocked and came in.

"I need you to get me another information" Alex was the best at these things, he has been working with me for 6 years and I trusted him wholeheartedly, he kept our business strictly confidential. Although I couldn't tell him about my sister yet. "It's about Anne, find out why Williams is after her , the full name is Anne Mitchell also find out Williams current location"

"Alright sir"

"How soon can I get it? I will be flying to Boston tonight, I have business to attend to, but will be back in two days, I hope the full details will be ready by then?"

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