Chapter 22

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I open my eyes and notice it was morning, I jumped.

How did I sleep so long?

The room was empty and quiet. I got out of bed, went to the sitting room. I took a glance at the wall clock, 11:45 am


"bryan?" I called looking around , he wasn't there , no one was , the kitchen was empty too. No Bryan, no Damien.
I assumed the other closed door was Damien's room so I knocked. Twice.
No answer.
I'm starting to get nervous, i opened and the room was empty too, it was a bit smaller than Bryan room but colorfully decorated.

Where is everyone , why am I alone?

My mind raced

Did Williams find us here? Did Bryan run away without me?

I sat down on a couch, Hands plumped together thinking of what to do.

Maybe they just went out. I will wait.

I looked around for something to do to while away time. Nothing in particular, then I switched on the tv, picked up the remote control and searched. There were so many channels but nothing caught my attention or probably because I'm still nervous. They were doing a funny show on Nickelodeon so I left it there.

It might help.

But it wasn't helping at all because I couldn't focus

I just want to go home, I can't live like this, I'm tired of being chased , I miss Mum and dad, I miss Stella, I miss home, how am I going to get out of this mess, what if I am chased all my life, what the hell do they want from me....

Just then I heard a sound from the gate and I froze. probably Williams has found me, I ran to the nearest window to peep, a car was driving in, thankfully it was Bryan's car but I couldn't see who was driving . The car parked but no one got out, I held my breath, waiting, 12 long seconds passed before the driver's door opened and Bryan got out , I waited to see if anyone else was getting out but no one did, I then let out a sign of relief and slumped to the ground catching my breathe.

I was still there when Bryan walked in, he was holding some bags, his expression changed when he saw me on the ground. He rushed and bent down in front of me dropping the bags he held beside him.

"Anne, what's wrong?" He touched my face "why are you sitting here like this?"

I look up, feeling emotional and a bit angry
"Where did you go? I was all alone" my voice was rising and breaking

He got up, pulling me up with him "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you alone, you were sleeping so well and i knew you needed the rest"

"Where is Damien?"

"Oh he is on call today at the hospital, he won't be back till tomorrow evening"

"You could have at least told me you were going out, I-I thought Williams.... I- thought y-you  left me...." I didn't let the tears fall but my vision was blurry as I stared at Bryan.

Shit! Why do I always have to cry in front of him like a baby!

He pulled me into his embrace "I will never do that Anne , you mean a lot to me, seriously"

I withdrew on time to see the tiny soft emotions that flashed his eyes "are you sure?" I can't tell if he was telling the truth or not, I don't know if he wants me as much as I want him, I love this guy, I want to mean just more than a lot to him but I knew I wouldn't , he is a guy who doesn't like such commitment and I can't force him to love me back.

"Am sure, come and have a sit" he pulled me gently towards the couch "I got breakfast for you , I didn't know what you will want to eat so I got a couple of stuffs" 

I couldn't help but admire him as he went to pick up the bags he left on the ground, he was wearing a white long sleeves top that hug tightly to his body showing all his abs and muscles, with a black free shorts and he still had his white palm slippers on. 

Damn! Who wouldn't fall for such a man, he is handsome, hot, caring, enticing, he's just everything I like.

I wasn't the type of girl that find men interesting but this man right in front of me was making me drool!

He sat beside me, opening one of the bags and I caught the smell of coffee, bringing me back to the present. He brought out burger, pizza, bacon egg and cheese sandwich, two cups of coffee, one pack of apple juice.

I stared at him eyes wide "you sure bought a lot"

"Yea, what will you like to have in all of this"

"I will have pizza and coffee"

"That's all?"

I nod. He hands me the coffee first and I took a sip, it was still hot, and was exactly the way I like my coffee , that's one of the things we have in common.
I took a slice of the pizza and he picked burger for himself. He was starring at me as he ate, his gaze so intense it could bore a hole through my head.

I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, I'm looking so unattractive this morning , still wearing the shirt he gave me but my hair is so tattered and all over the place, I didn't even wash my face. He was still looking at me.

"You are starring" I told him

"I know"


He lowered his cup from his lips "you look beautiful this morning"

I laughed , he doesn't know what he is saying "beautiful? Are you kidding me, with all this" i gestured to my hair and face

He nodded taking a bite " you still look beautiful to me and am afraid I don't know why"

"Your eyes must be deceiving you then, no one has ever told me I look beautiful, like this" I gestured again

"I'm surprised. Then they have either not seen you like this or just didn't want to say it out"

I roll my eyes taking a bite out of my second slice of pizza.

"Now you look enticingly sexy" he licked his lips seductively and his gaze lowered to my bare lap , in my sitting position the shirt stopped a little above my thighs, I clamped my kneels tighter together, I wouldn't want him noticing that I wasn't putting on any panties

"Will you stop, am trying to eat"

"Ok" he said raising a hand up before picking up His cup and sipping. Only five minutes passed before he started to talk again "so," he stopped to take a bite " you really don't have a boyfriend?"

I glanced at him, cup mid-air. That was out of the blue. "I told you before, I don't" I dropped my cup


"We have discussed this before Bryan"

"I know but I want to be sure"

"I really don't have a boyfriend, in short I have never had , I was just not interested in men" I shrugged

He raised a brow "really? So what about now"

I gave him a weird look "I don't know"

He dropped his empty cup on the table and faced me "I'm in love with you, Anne. Will you date me?"

I chocked. Coughing hard at the same time  trying to think, I really wasn't expecting that. My coffee had finished and I needed something to drink, I stood up to run to the kitchen for water and to escape the awkward atmosphere.

What is wrong with me? This was what I wanted. But I didn't think it would ever happen, it's just so unexpected and am so excited I might misbehave

I took only two quick steps before my left leg bumped the side of the center table and I fell to my face right on top of Bryan legs, his hands flew to my bottom trying to hold me from falling further.

Damn it!

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